12) Beginning.

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Simon turned his head around to look at the rooftop where he'd seen a flash of white. The grey slates looked normal and there was nothing in sight other than the black gutter leading down the side of the building.

Jace had ducked behind a chimney when Simon had turned to look. He waited a moment before scrambling along the rooftop and down into the alley beside 'Garroway books'.

Jace watched as Simon knocked on the apartment door before disappearing inside. He then looked around before moving swiftly into the bookshop and catching the bell between his fingers- Nobody could know he was there. Luckily for him everyone who was meant to be looking after the shop was in Luke's apartment.

Simon grinned when he saw his best friend stood in front of him, her baby in her arms.
Clary's hair was dark red and her face was more angular- She even had little white scars across her arms, just like Jocelyn. She had grown up so much, and she had also grown so much with being a few months into her pregnancy. After handing Valerie to Jocelyn, Clary took Simon in her arms.  The warmth of his body was so comforting. She had always missed that during his days of being a vampire. 

"Oh Simon! I missed you so much!" She breathed in his smell of cheap after-shave and cinnamon gum. 

When she pulled away Clary saw a flash of gold by the front door. It was unmissable to her but nobody else saw what had happened. She knew Jace was just behind the door and with the raise of her eyebrow she dismissed herself to go to the toilet. 

As she shut the door behind her she poked her head around the wall. "Jace, I know you're there so you might as well step out." 

Jace stood up and took the sight of Clary in. Her hollowed eyes and sharp cheekbones. If it wasn't for the pregnancy she would've surely lost weight. 

He breathed out in shock. "Clary."

He stepped forward as though to embrace her but she moved back. "I know that it hurts and I love you with every piece of my heart, but it hurts too much. We need time."

"Clary please. I remember. I was drugged."

Her eyes followed him up and down. "And you expect me to believe that? Whatever happened, I need some time to think. I'm leaving."

"What?" His outreached hand pulled back.

"I'm going to find my own place, a fresh start for me and Valerie-" she patted her stomach    "-and the little one. I need this, they need this. Until I can trust you again. And i'm willing to wait for that, however long it takes, if you can wait too." She took his hand in hers now.

"Of course I will wait for you, even it means a year or two, or longer, I will always wait for you. Our love means more than anything else in my life. " He pulled her hand up, close to his face. "So even though it pains me to say this, goodbye Clary. I love you." He placed a light kiss on the back of her hand and turned away from her.

He was walking towards the door now. "Jace." He stopped but didn't turn back. "I love you too." His head bowed and he continued towards the door.


Later, Clary found herself crossed-legged on the floor of her bedroom placing her little amount of belongings into her back. Simon had left earlier that afternoon after she told him of her plans to move out on her own. Luke and Jocelyn were downstairs waiting to say goodbye to Clary. And Jace was back in his room at the institute, alone. She would miss them all, but ultimately this was the right choice.

She said her farewells to her parents and  headed out into the setting sun of New York city, into her new life. A new beginning at last.

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