19) Dying.

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Clary looked at him and smiled. They were both thinking the same thing. "Hey, I'll be okay. We just need to enjoy the little moments, and if we do that then the bigger moments will make themselves." 

Happiness swelled in Jace's heart. She was right. No matter what they completed each other and because of that they could make whatever life was going to throw at them happy. He placed his scarred hand on her cheek and pulled her in to a kiss. Gentle at first but then passionate. Tongue's dancing at a fiesta, heat matching that of the sun. He placed his other hand on her face, pulling her closer, trying to hold onto her. A statement- He would not lose his Angel over anything. They would found a cure to this poison. 

She pressed back with full force, but for a different reason. A thought that ebbed in the back of her mind at all times. What if this was her last moment? Clary wanted, for now, to just live.

In the next moment, Clary had stumbled onto her feet and pressed Jace against the wall. This was proving difficult so far into her pregnancy.  They moved out of the nursery and into the bedroom, skin and heat. Jace ran small kisses across her neck and down her collar bone, a wave of shivers washing over Clary. She reached up and ran her fingers through his golden hair yet he pulled away to tear his white t-shirt over his head. Clary tripped backwards and winced as a pain shot through her injured leg. 

He paused. "Hey, hey are you okay? We can stop if this is too painful." He gestured at her leg and sat down next to her. 

The red head shook her head and turned to kiss him again. He squeezed her waist and laid her onto the the bed, crawling over her, being careful not to hurt her. His face reached hers again and he kissed her forehead before moving down to pull up the nightgown she was wearing. This exposed her bruises and bandages to him, yet she was still beautiful. Her stomach was swollen and yet she was still beautiful to him. He began to lay kisses across her thigh, gripping onto her hips as though he would never let her go. She winced and he sat up.

She traced the star-like scar on his shoulder. "It's okay, I'm a warrior." 

"Clary I love you and I want this as much as you do, but if this is painful we need to stop."

She silently cursed her injuries but after a pause she nodded, pulling a blanket around herself. "Just because we can't do some things doesn't mean we can't do others." 

He raised his eyebrow and she leaned in to steal a kiss from him again, her hand reaching down. Abruptly the door swung open. The pair turned in shock to find Izzy stood staring them. 

"Izzy, can we have our privacy please?" Clary cocked her head at her friend.

"I'm sorry for interrupting but this is important. It's Simon. He's dying."

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