26) Immortal.

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Asmodeus laughed. Mocking. "A mere mundane dares to call me from my world, to ask for help? Who encouraged this foolish idea?"

Magnus squeezed Alec's hand before speaking up. "I did, father."

The demon turned, shocked. "Magnus. My child, I thought you would never have anything to do with me again? Especially after what I did to your little mundie friend." He stated, fake concern tinting his tone.

"Well that is what I am here for father. Our friend is dying, infected by a demon's metallic poison and we have been informed that only you can help us. What price do we have to pay to recieve this cure?"

"My boy! You're idiocy is showing once again. My price never changes. One of those who ask for my assistance must give up something greatly important to them. I have the cure for your pathetic friend, now who will pay this price?" His voice echoed around the room, reverberating through their bones.

Clary made her way to speak but Magnus cut her off. "That would be me, my dear father." He nodded at Clary, confirming what he had just said. "I will pay this price."

Alec called out, his heart thumping and head spinning. "Magnus no! You can't do this. What about us? What about our future? I thought we were going to start a family. Please."

Magnus shook his head. "Oh Alexander, I love you. But this time was always going to come. I need to face my father sooner rather than later." He turned back to the demon now. "What do you need me to give up?"

Asmodeous laughed once more. A sound a mere mortal could never get used to. A sound of bitterness, empowerment and control. "My Dear Magnus, always such a hero. But do not think this has fooled me. I know the one true weakness you will always have- You're immortality. Give it to me."

Magnus was shocked. Obviously his father did not know that this had always been his one true burden, and that if he did this he could finally start a normal family with Alec. He decided to play along with the role. "Father, that is the greatest price I would ever have to pay. Please don't make me do this. Are you going to strip me from my only connection I have with you?"

The demon nodded. "You have never been a son to me. You deserve this."

And, with the twist of his giant hand, a wash of light crossed over the room. The group were blown back and the demon was gone, replacing him was a large vial of antidote.

Alec ran to Magnus and kissed him. Magnus smiled back pulling him to the floor next to him. "I'm sorry if I scared you, Alexander, but I know my father better than he knows himself. I already had the outcome planned in my head. It was a small price to pay to be happy with you."

Alex smiled and kissed Magnus again. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

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