4) Midnight.

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Jace sat on the paved floor of his en suite holding back the red locks of his very pale girlfriend, who was currently leaning over the toilet releasing the contents of her very empty stomach. 

Back in their bedroom she laid on the bed, his head perched against her shoulder. 

"I hate being pregnant." She stated distastefully.

He pulled her arm up to his face and kissed her hand. "We'll get there, angel. There will be a light at the end of this tunnel. Look how far you've already made it. 7 months and you're doing incredibly."

He turned round and stood up, taking her hand with him and helping her up. 

"Where are we going Jace?" Clary inquired as he led her down the darkening hallways of the institute. "You know i'm not loving the whole idea of walking at the moment."

"Good. Because we're almost there." He smirked and drew her up the spiralling metal staircase they had then reached. Clary smiled now, knowing exactly where they would be going.

The colour shining from every corner of the greenhouse reminded Clary of the tropical rain forest. Thousands of different flowers and plants spanned the room, blooming or budding. Blue and pink and green. The sweetest smells infiltrated the air and the fragile petals danced across Clary's fingertips before they were scooped back up by Jace's calloused hand. Just ahead of them sat an apple, a candle lodged into the middle of it. Jace picked this up and handed it to Clary. 

"Do you really think I would forget? Happy birthday, Fray. Now make a wish."

She blew out the candle and then moved forward to kiss him. "I love you Jace."

He pulled away and she frowned. "As much as I would love for this to continue, angel, look- it's midnight." He pointed towards the newly blossoming pink flowers, growing and spreading, letting their beauty be seen by the world.

When she turned back towards Jace from the beautiful display of nature, he was knelt in front of her. 


 He smiled, truly happy in this moment, and pulled out an emerald ring from his pocket.  

"We have been through so much together and fought so many battles together. I would be honoured if you agree to share the rest of my battles with me. So, will you marry me, Clary Fairchild?"

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