5) True.

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Clary stepped into the long white dress and pulled it up around her chest. Izzy pulled the lace on both sides and started tightening the waist.

"I cannot believe you didn't get a gold wedding dress. It's shadowhunter tradition!" Isabelle exclaimed.

Clary turned her head towards the brown-haired bombshell. "Izzy, it's got gold accents up it and white is mundane tradition. That's what I've grown up with." 

"Very well" Isabelle sighed. 

Isabelle proceeded to tie up Clary's hair then pinned it down with a golden tiara. Clary lifted up the train of the dress and stepped into golden high heels after tying the Morgernstern ring onto the anklet she was wearing.

She left the room and looked up to find Jace in a white suit with a gold waist coat on and a golden rose placed in his upper pocket. He had also wanted to wear white, but this was in memory of Max more than anything. His extraordinary eyes danced over her playfully and she smiled, she reached up to him and kissed him. 

"Good luck." She laughed sarcastically. 

He smirked. "Like I need any."

Clary turned into the foyer to find her mom standing there. She hadn't seen in her since that phone call. A tear streamed down her face.

"Mom." She breathed out, a catharsis of emotion.

Jocelyn took her into her arms. "I missed you, Clary. I'm so sorry."

Moments later and the pair were arm in arm, headed down the flower laced isle. At the end stood Jace, his golden eyes glinting in the sun light. Clary's eyes followed the beautiful decoration of the room. She would remember this moment forever. They had chosen the floral decorations as an echo of the greenhouse, in which they shared many of their picturesque moments. Her mom gently kissed her on the cheek and took a seat next to Luke. Clary turned to face Jace and their next step in life began.

The service was a combination of mundane and shadowhunter traditions. The pair traced the wedding runes onto each other and then began their vows.

"Jace. I don't want our love to be a cliched story of boy meets girl. It's not that simple. When I met you, I felt a connection, but after that we faced so many challenges. Our relationship stretched and changed-" She was smiling now, thinking about all they had been through. "-But we always found our way back to each other. No matter what."

"My angel, although this is the most obvious nickname I have ever known, in my heart there is a deeper meaning for this. From childhood, shadowhunters are taught to give their whole heart to the Angel, almost like your version of God. But since I met you, I changed who I put my faith in. Instead I gave my whole heart to you. I guess, what i'm trying to say is- My love for you will forever be undying and true."

They kissed and the ceremony came to a close. This was their second happiest day in their lives, the first being the birth of Valerie.

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