What now?

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To clear my head, I went for a walk in the park.
It's a cold day but the sun is shining. I don't mind the cold, the only thing I don't like is rain.

I sit on a bench by the pond, just looking at the ducks floating around. A deep sigh leaves my mouth as Jessy keeps crossing my mind.
She was the first person who made me actually like this place. And now that that is gone, I'm a little lost.

I realise I didn't really make any friends, and without Jessy, I'm starting to miss home.

I look up when I hear a little scream and I see a girl falling with her bike.
I quickly get up and run to her. "Are you okay?"
I ask as I help her get up. "Yes, I'm fine. Thanks."

She looks up and our eyes meet. Her beautiful brown eyes immediately lock with mine and for a moment it seems like everything around us disappears. "Hi, I'm Nick."

Christmas dinner was a disaster. Dad had to work all evening and mom was obviously furious.
I thought moving here would change things, but it seems my dad is working even more.

Before we moved here, he was away from home a lot. But the days he was home, we actually spent time together. Now he is always working and we never do things as a family anymore.

I have one free day before I start work again and I'm waiting for Alicia to arrive at my house.

When she rings the doorbell I let her inside and we walk upstairs to my room.
"What did you wanna talk about?" She looks at me questioningly. A deep sigh leaves my mouth as I gather all my courage to say the words I wanna say.

"I'm late." I mumble and look at Alicia with a painful face.
"You're late? Late for what?" She looks at me confused. "I'm not late, I'm late late.."
"Oh, OW!" She says when she realises what I'm talking about.

I nod, trying to hide how hard I'm actually panicking right now.
"When was the last time you had your period?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know?"

"I'm on the pill. I take three strips in a row so I only have a period 3 or 4 times a year. So somewhere around three months ago, I think."
"Wait, does that mean-"
"It could be Bill's, or Tom's.." I say, not able to hide how nervous I am.

"You didn't use a condom? Not even with Tom?"
I shake my head. "I know it's stupid but I'm on birth control so I thought it was fine and.. I just didn't think about it." I rattle on.
"But, what do I do now?"

I walk up the stairs and when I walk past my sister's room I hear her talking to someone. Sounds like Alicia. I think to myself and stop walking.

"It could be Bill's, or Tom's.."
I frown my eyebrows and get a little closer to the door.
"You didn't use a condom? Not even with Tom?"

"I know it's stupid but I'm on birth control so I thought it was fine and.. I just didn't think about it."
What?? She had sex with Tom?!
"But, what do I do now?" Is the last thing I hear before I storm down the stairs and leave through the front door.

I slam the door behind me and run to the house next door.
I aggressively bang my fist on the front door until someone opens it. "What the hell is your problem?!" Tom yells at me as he opens the door.

I push him, causing him to set a step back, into the living room.
"You slept with my sister?!" I yell, pushing him again. "I told you, and that stupid brother of yours, to stay the fuck away from her!" I yell and punch him in the face with my fist. Tom bounces back and I hit him again, in his stomach this time.

He bends over and gasps, clenching on his stomach in pain.
He quickly recovers and pushes me against the wall. "Nick, calm down!"

My body is filled with rage and I push him off me, making him fall to the ground.
"I don't care who's baby it is! I want you, and your fucking brother, to stay the fuck away from my sister!" I yell.

"Baby?" Tom says in a high pitch voice.
"Evi's pregnant?" I turn around and see Bill standing behind me in the doorway from the hall to the living room. I turn to him and look at him angrily. "Stay the fuck away from her! Both of you!" I walk towards him, pushing him aside aggressively before I leave their house.

I stand there in silence as Tom crawls back up from the ground.
We look at each other, panick noticible in our eyes.
"She's.. pregnant?" I stutter. "You didn't use a condom?" I stammer.
Tom shakes his head as his face turns pale. "Did you?"
I shake my head and I feel sweat breaking out on me. "What now?"

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