The day after

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I open my eyes and a sick feeling immediately comes over me. I jump out of bed and run towards the bathroom.
I hang over the toilet just in time and let everything out.
I lean against the edge of the bath and wait a moment until I'm sure everything is out before I go back to my room.
I close the door behind me and see Bill sitting up on the bed.
I put myself back in bed and pull the sheet over me.
"That last drink was clearly one too much." I look at Bill apologetically and he looks at me with a sympathetic look.
"What do you remember from last night?"
I straighten myself up a little and think.
"Um, we had a few drinks at your house first and then went to the club."
I look at Bill with confusion and he makes a pained face.
"Oh no, did I do something last night? Sorry, Bill, I clearly need to drink less. Sorry, whatever it was it won't happen again!" I ramble.
"You didn't do anything." He says softly and I frown.
"Then why are you acting so strange?"
"What else do you remember from last night?"
Fragments of last night come back in pieces and I look at him confused.
"I danced with someone for a while, but that didn't mean anything."
When Bill doesn't say anything I look at him hopelessly.
"Bill, I really have too much of a headache for this. Can you just tell me what happened?"
He makes another painful face and bites his lower lip. "Okay."
He turns a little more towards me and takes my hand. "Do you remember going outside?"
I think and then look at him, not understanding what he means.
"Sorry Bill, everything is a bit blurry after our moment in the restroom."
He nods and I sigh deeply when he remains silent. "Please, Bill."
"That boy you danced with gave you a drink too, right?"
"Yes, it could be.."
"Not much later we noticed that you were no longer there. When we finally found you, you were outside with that boy."
"Mitch?" His name suddenly comes to mind and I try to remember what happened.
Bill nods and then continues. "So when we found you, you weren't really conscious."
"Oh." I just say and suddenly the memories of yesterday come back.
"We think he did something in your drink."
I nod.
"Do you remember what happened outside?"
I nod again, without looking at him, fighting the nausea. I jump straight out of bed, run out of the room and run into the bathroom. Just in time I hang over the toilet.
I stand up, open the sink tap and splash cold water in my face.
"Evi?" Bill knocks softly on the door.
"I think you better go home. I'll see you later?"
"Call me if you need anything, okay?"
"Uh huh."
I hear Bill walking down the stairs and walk out of the bathroom and back into my room.
I sit down on the bed and check the notifications on my phone.
I have several messages from Kim and start to read them.

Kim: Evi! Good news!
Kim: Call me!
Kim: Evi?????

I shake my head and get a small smile on my face. I decide to call her and after a few seconds I hear her voice on the other end of the line.
"EVI!!" She screams enthusiastically.
"Hi, Kim, don't be so loud. Headache."
"Something like that, yeah. What's the good news?"
"You know my mom works for the same company as your dad?"
"So, a position became available, a fairly high position if I'm not mistaken."
"That is indeed good news."
"Wait, that's not all. The position that has become available is in Germany!"
"Does that mean you're coming here too?" I sit myself up on the edge of the bed.
"YES!" Kim screams again.
"OMG!" I scream. "When are you moving??"
"Next week already. It all went very quickly."
"Too bad Bill and Tom will already be on tour."
"When are they leaving?"
"The day after tomorrow." I sigh.
"Are you going to do it before he leaves?"
I shrug. "I'll see what happens."
"So, did you have a wild party yesterday?" Kim asks.
"You can say that, yes.."
I'll briefly tell you what happened yesterday, or at least what I still remember.
"It's a good thing Bill got to you in time."
I nod, but then remember that Kim obviously can't see that. "Yep.."
"Enough about me," I continue. "What about your love life?"
"What love life?" Kim chuckles.
"Okay, your sex life."
"Pretty quiet, to be honest."
"That's not your habit either." I laugh.
"I don't just have sex with anyone." Kim defends herself. "No one can match Tom."
I look ahead with wide eyes.
"Was Tom your last one night stand?"
Kim remains silent for a moment. "Kim?"
"My last one night stand was in Germany, yes. The guys here are just so boring and ordinary. I'll wait until I move to find someone worth sharing a one night stand with."
I shake my head laughing. "It's a shame that Tom won't be here for the first few weeks." I tease her.

After we finally finished talking, I took a quick shower and decided to go see Bill.
Fortunately, the nausea and headaches are a lot less than before and thanks to a small layer of make-up, I also look a lot more decent.
I walk downstairs, put on my sneakers that are in the hall and walk into the living room.
Nick is sitting on the couch with Jessy watching a movie. I quickly greet them before I continue walking towards the kitchen. I open the cupboard to look for food and take out a chocolate roll from the bag.
I walk towards the living room again.
"I'm going to Bill's."
"Shouldn't you eat something?" Nick asks.
I quickly raise the chocolate roll in the air and disappear into the hall.
I open the door, close it behind me and walk to Bill's front door.
I ring the doorbell and wave back and forth impatiently until the door finally opens.
"Hi, Tom." I greet him with a quick hug and walk inside.
"Bill's upstairs." He says and signals that I can go upstairs. I hesitate for a moment but then decide not to say anything about Kim moving.
I walk upstairs and knock softly on Bill's bedroom door. When I don't get a response I slowly open the door. I poke my head in first and see a sleeping Bill on the bed. I sneak in as quietly as possible and close the door behind me.
I carefully crawl into bed, hoping not to wake him, and snuggle next to him. I close my eyes and wrap my arm around him, my body pressed against his back.

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