What the hell?!

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"Why are you here?" I ask when I wipe away the tears on my cheeks.
"Me and Tom are going to that new club tonight. I thought you might wanna come?"
He looks at me almost pleadingly which makes me unable to suppress a laugh.
We look in each others eyes for a few seconds and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I quickly look away and when  feel my cheeks burning up I put a little smile on my face.
"I, uhm," I stammer. "I'm a little bit embarrassed to be honest."
Bill looks at me questioningly.
"About yesterday.."
"Ow, that." Bill looks away for a moment but quickly looks back at me.
"It's already forgotten."
I breathe a sigh of relief.

We talk, for what seems like hours, and soon enough I forgot the whole Facebook thing.
Tom and Bill might be twins, but they are still very different.
They have the same beautiful brown eyes, but Bills have something special. They sparkle in a different way.
Even though we've only known each other for a few days, we can talk about anything.
For example that Bill isn't a virgin anymore, and how his ex broke his heart.
How Tom secretly wants to find real love, but doesn't believe that this will ever happen for him.
Eventually our conversation is interrupted by my mother shouting that dinner is ready.
"See you at 9?" Bill asks while he walks out the door.
"Okay! See you then!"
I close the door behind me and can't help the big smile on my face.

After dinner I quickly start to get ready.
I take a quick shower, put some make up on and style my hair.
I stand in front of my wardrobe in doubt looking for the right outfit.
A club asks for a dress, right?
I dig through my dresses, put some on the bed and start trying them on.
I go for a navy blue dress and put it on.
It's a little short, but it looks great on my figure, if I say so myself.
I let my blonde, slightly wavy hair fall over my shoulders.
I leave my room, walk downstairs and go straight to he kitchen.
I take a bottle of water out of the fridge and when I turn around my mom walks in.
"You look beautiful, honey."
"Thanks, mom. Where is Nick?"
"He went to the city with someone."
Strange, I think to myself. He barely got out of the house lately, when did he meet other people?
"I have to go, see you tomorrow, mom!"
"Be careful, honey!"
I walk out the door and see Bill and Tom waiting for me.
I greet both of them with a kiss on the cheek and get in the car.
I take a seat in the back of the car and we start driving towards the club.
"Ready for a party?" Tom looks at me from the rearview mirror.
"Always!" I say with a smile on my face.

We walk inside through the VIP entrance.
"Are the others coming?"
"Georg and Gustav should be here already." Tom says.
We walk straight to the bar and Tom looks at me and Bill. "What would you like to drink?"
"Surprise me." I say, which puts a grin on Tom's face.
He orders our drinks and not much later he puts a glass into my hands.
I take a little sip and nod approvingly.
"Good choice!"
We walk onto the dance floor together, towards George and Gustav. We greet them and start dancing enthusiastically together.

When my second drink is finished, I lean against one of the high tables in the room.
In the meantime, Georg has found a girl to dance with and Tom is also trying to seduce a girl.
I grin at Tom, who is doing his utmost to attract that one girl.
I shake my head laughing and look away.
"Here." I hear someone say next to me and see how Bill holds out a drink for me.
I take the glass from his hand and take a little sip. "Thanks."
I look at Tom again, who is still trying very hard, but apparently has no success this time.
I feel Bill's eyes on me and I turn to him.
He looks away, caught, and I poke him in the side.
He cringes a little and I look at him with a smile.
"Why are you looking at Tom like that?"
I look at Bill questioningly, surprised by this question.
"He's not going to succeed tonight, I think."
I look at Bill with a grin, but he looks back with some doubt. "What?" I ask.
He shakes his head and takes a sip of his drink.
Although it felt like I had known Bill for years earlier, and talking went so easy, there is now a rather uncomfortable tension between us.
I take a long sip of my drink and I slowly start to feel the alcohol.
A chuckle leaves my mouth and Bill looks at me questioningly, with a small smile on his face.
"I'm getting drunk." I giggle and let myself fall against him for a moment. He puts his hand on my side to keep me from falling.
"Shall I bring you home?"
"Nope." I take a long sip of my drink and walk onto the dance floor.
I first bump into Tom and then into Gustav, who grabs me by the waist to prevent a fall.
"Oops, sorry."
Tom has given up by now and the girl is dancing with another boy a little further away.
Georg on the other hand, is standing on the side and is kissing a girl.
I drink what's left in my glass in one go and put the glass down on the table next to me.
Or so I think.  The glass falls to the ground and breaks into small pieces that scatter across the dance floor.
I feel a hand grab my arm tightly and another hand rest on my side and guides me through the crowd. "Bill, not so fast." I say, almost tripping over my own feet but not falling due to Bill's firm grip.
"I'll bring you home." He says, his hand still firmly around my arm.
"Bill!" I try to wiggle myself free, but it doesn't work. "Bill, let go!" I yell, a little louder this time and I manage to pull myself free.
I stop walking and look at him irritated.
"What the hell, Bill?!"

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