Nothing happened

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I turn around and walk back inside. I see Bill coming up behind me and I quicken my pace.
I make my way unsteadily through the crowd and I get dirty looks when I bump into people.
I start dancing enthusiastically when I finally reach the others and have to make an effort not to fall. I take the drink from Tom's hand and take a sip.
Bill takes the drink from my hands and I look at him with an angry look.
I walk to the bar, followed by Bill, and try to order a drink. Bill interrupts me and orders water.
I try to convince the bartender to give me another drink, but not much later a glass of water is in front of me.
Without taking the drink with me, I turn around and walk away.
Bill follows closely behind me with the glass of water in his hands.
Before I reach the others I suddenly stop, which causes Bill to bump into me.
"Everything is spinning." I giggle. I loose my balance and two strong hands grab me by my waist. "Oops."
Bill tries to get me to come with him, but again I refuse to go with him.
He looks at me slightly irritated, grabs my arm tightly and pulls me with him towards the exit.
"Let go!" I yell and try to pull my out of his grib.
"Bill!" I yell again.
Bill is stopped by two men.
"Let go of the young lady." They say. They look at Bill sternly and he immediately lets go of me.
"Is something wrong with your ears, young man?"
I can see slight panic in his eyes and I bite my bottom lip.
He tries to explain that he is my neighbor and is just trying to get me home safely.
They don't seem to believe him and when he looks at me I look at him apologetically and go stand next to him.
"It's okay." I say and I look at the two man.
"Are we going home, Bill?"
I take his hand and take a step towards the exit.
Without saying a word Bill follows me.
Once we come outside, he lets go of my hand and puts both hands in his pocket.

We walk the whole way back home in silence. After I almost fell twice, Bill finally put his arm around my waist.
Once we get home, I follow Bill inside, without saying anything.
Bill walks to the kitchen and comes back with a bottle of water. He reaches it out to me and with a small smile on my face I accept the bottle and take a small sip.
"Sorry," I say almost inaudibly and look at him ashamed.
A deep sigh, is the only response I get.
I look straight into his eyes and manage to hold his gaze.
"You are so beautiful." I whisper and take a step towards him.

I wake up the next morning and look around a little confused. This is not my room.
I sit up straighter, rub my eyes and look around again.
Bill is sitting at his desk writing in his notebook.
I bite my bottom lip softly. "Bill?"
When I don't get a response I get up, walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.
He is startled, jumps up and turns around.
"Sorry." I say with a little smile on my face.
He takes out one of his earphones.
"Sorry," I repeat myself. "I didn't mean to scare you. But uhm, what am I doing here?"
"You didn't wanna go home yesterday and you ended up falling asleep on my bed."
"Shit! My parents don't know where I am!" I say and start looking for my phone.
"I used your phone to text your brother." Bill says and he reaches my phone out to me, which was laying on his desk.
"Oh." I take my phone from him. I unlock my phone and see that I have multiple unread messages.
"Sorry about yesterday." I stammer.
He shakes his head and laughs.
"You say sorry too much."
"Sorry." As soon as these words come out of my mouth I put a hand over my mouth.
He looks at me warningly and we both laugh.
"Don't you have a hangover?" Bill asks when we are done laughing.
I shake my head. "Strangely enough, no."
I'm looking around, feeling a little uncomfortably standing in Bill's room.
"I, uhm, I think I should go home. Uhm, see you later, maybe?"
As I say these words I make my way towards the door.
"I'll walk with you." Bill says and follows me downstairs and guides me to the front door.
Without saying much, I give him a quick kiss on the cheek as a goodbye and close the door behind me.
The living room is empty so I walk straight to the kitchen.
My brother is sitting at the kitchen table and looks at me suspiciously when he sees me.
"What?" I ask while I sit down at the table with him. He keeps staring at me and I raise my eyebrows. "What?" I repeat myself.
He continues to stare at me without saying anything, until his gaze falls on my arm.
He gently takes my arm and pulls it towards him.
"How did you get this?"
"Get what?"
I try to look at my arm as best I can and see several small bruises. I shrug my shoulders.
"I don't know, I ran into something, I guess."
My brother shakes his head firmly.
"That's clearly from a hand."
I look at him strangely until the memories of yesterday come back. How Bill pulled me out of the club and had his hand tightly around my arm.
"Uhm," I stammer. "I just bumped myself."
"And where were last night?"
"Didn't you get m-"
"So, you don't come home after a night out and then you come home the next morning with bruises... And I'm supposed to believe that nothing happened?" Nick interrupts me.
I roll my eyes and shake my head.
"Nothing happened."
"Bill or Tom?" Nick looks at me intently and without staying anything I roll my eyes again.
"Nick, nothing happened, okay?!"
I stand up angrily and walk up the stairs to my room.
I slam the door shut with a smack and go sit on my bed.
I start up my laptop and put on comfortable clothes while I wait. I look at my arm through the mirror.
I have to admit, it does look like fingerprints, so I have to agree with my brother on that.
But otherwise, what he says is bullshit!
As if Bill would ever do something like that.
He was just worried and wanted to get me home as quickly as possible, right?

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