We need to talk

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I walk downstairs and go straight to the kitchen to get some water.
"What was Evi doing here?" I turn my head around and see Bill standing next to the kitchen table.
"You saw her?"
Bill shakes his head. "I recognized her mo-" he stops talking but quickly continues. "..her voice."
I turn around again and get a little grin on my face.
I take a bottle of water out of the fridge and open it to take a big sip.

"What's going on between you and Evi?"
I shrug my shoulders and take another sip of my water.
"Do you have feelings for her?"
"Why are you asking so many questions, Bill?"
"I asked both of you the same question.. And you both answer it the same way, which is basically no answer at all."
So she didn't say no? I think to myself and can't deny that it makes me feel good.
"Why do you even care? It's getting late, good night."
I walk passed him and go upstairs to my room.

I ask myself the same question Bill just asked me. What's the thing between me and Evi?
Is it just sex? Or is it something more?
I can't deny that I'm drawn to her and that she crosses my mind more then I'd like to admit.

The next day

"How are things going between you and Bill?" Leen asks me as we sit down on the couch.
"Not the way I imagined it." I admit.
"But he knows what will happen if he doesn't stay with me."
"You really wanna be with him like this?"
"I will make him love me." I say with confidence.
"I almost had him, but something changed."
"But you wouldn't really hurt Tom, right?"
The look on Leens face is a little worried.
"You have to forget about him. You are not pretty enough for Tom, he will never fall for you."

"I'm not pretty enough?"
"Have you looked at yourself recently? You are not the definition of 'Pretty'. Tom on the other hand is very handsome. It's just not a good match."
"You are a bitch, you know that?!" She looks at me angrily and I start laughing.
"Don't get angry. Everyone knows I'm the pretty one."
"Oh really? Is that why you have to blackmail Bill to make him be with you?! Are you insane??"

After my fight with Brenda I went straight to the twins house.
I have to talk to Bill. I have to help him get rid of Brenda.
I ring the doorbell and I'm getting more and more nervous every second.

Tom opens the door and he looks at me confused. I put a little awkward smile on my face.
"Is Bill home? I need to talk to him."
"He's not home."
"Can I wait for him?"
Tom nods and steps aside to let me walk in.
We walk to the living room and Tom gestures for me to sit down.
"What do you wanna talk about with Bill?"
I nervously wiggle my legs back and forth.
"I can't tell you. I need to talk to Bill first." I look away to avoid eye contact. Even after all the years I've known him, he still makes me nervous.
"You want something to drink?"
I shake 'No' and look at him briefly.

"When will Bill be home?" I ask to stop the uncomfortable silence.
"Any minute."
I nod and keep wiggling my legs nervously.
"Can I ask you something?" Tom asks and I look at him while I nod.
"Why are you friends with Brenda?"
"Weren't you friends with her for years?" I return the question without answering his.
"Bill was, I never liked her."
I look away. Does that mean he never liked me either? "Why is that?"
He shrugs his shoulders. "I don't think she is a nice person, and I don't like the way she threats people."
"I agree."
"And she has a bad influence on you." He continues.
"Well, we are not friends anymore."
"Since when?"
"Since today.."
"What happened?"
I hesitate for a moment, but I decide to tell him.
"I like this boy, I don't think he's interested in me like that but.. Apparently I'm not pretty enough for him anyway."
"Don't listen to them, I think you're beautiful."
The way he looks into my eyes while he says this makes me blush, but before I can say anything Bill walks in.

"Leen? What are you doing here?"
"I need to talk to you, in private."
Bill exchanges a look with Tom and Tom stand up and leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
"What do you wanna talk about?" Bills tone is skeptical. He obviously doesn't trust me, but I can't blame him.
"I wanna help you get rid of Brenda."
"What do you mean?"
"I know she's blackmailing you."
He walks over to me and sits down on the couch across me.
"And what do you wanna do about that?"
"I think you should tell Tom and Evi."
"I can't.."
"There has to be a way to stop her. We can't just let her get away with it." I sigh and start biting my fingernails, a bad habit that gets worse when I'm stressed.
"Maybe I should talk to Evi? That way Brenda can't blame you."
"Maybe, I don't know..." Bill stammers and I can see him thinking.
"I'm not even sure that would fix anything anyway, maybe too much has happened."

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