•Chapter 36•

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Knowing I specifically told Na'eem that there would be no funny business is the main reason I hid a lot of stuffs from him. Of course what I'm about to do is a funny business, how would I get to the bottom of it if not so?

Having everyone tested in the house and getting a negative result only proved that indeed that shit was meant for me.

The meds are effective but slow and it's really ruining my pace at the academy. If not for the test result I presented, I would've gotten a bad grade on a course already.

Academy is less busy now with everyone finishing up their work for the graduation exhibition so I stayed back home to be useful in the studio. At least I get the work done with few minutes interval to rest my hand.

Going through some of the clothes I might never wear again in my closet, I hear a movement in my room so I come out to check who it might be.

"Hi" he smiles at me sitting on the ottoman while I lean on the closet door. "Hey" I smile back.

"Aslam invited us over for dinner, are you free?" See the way he asked me if I can make it without making his mind up that we're going? That's a man after my heart.

"Yeah, I mean I can't wait to be there honestly" I say with a huge smile and then he nods. "I'll let him know we'll be coming" "Okay" I agree with him.

"All okay?" He raised his brow when I kept staring at him even after that topic ended. I stand there awkwardly not knowing what to say exactly.

Lulu raise her head from her basket as she runs to jump on Na'eem's lap.

Lulu dear, I thought Mama raised you better than this.... she's always after this man and he doesn't really like her.....or not. I catch him patting her head or scratching her body sometimes when she climbs into his lap.

"I have something to say" It's now or never Malak. "Yeah?" He looks at me with curious eyes.

"I might have gotten to the bottom of the neurotoxin stuff" I finally say and he sat upright again giving me his full attention. I walk to where he sat sitting beside him while I present all the evidence and all that happened.

"Do you think we can stop by at my parents before the dinner?" He ask after a while and I nod.

"So you're not going to scold me for the methods?" Oh Malak you just threw yourself under the bus. "Oh we're gonna have a conversation after this. I said no funny business Princess... remember?" I pout a little with a sigh and the side of his lips tilt a little as if he wants to smile.

"C'mon, get ready. We have to leave now or we won't make it to Aslam's early" he gets up dropping Lulu on the ottoman while she tries to follow him. "Tell your cat to stop coming after me" he adds without turning back and a little humour In his voice.

"Come here Lulu, you're loved at home. Don't embarrass me" I pick her up from the ground halting her movements while he laughs at me before moving out of the room.

If not for Na'eem explaining that Mammah needs to hear what Haifa did and he needs Abba to hear it as well so he could talk to Haifa's father about it because he's not in the right headspace and doesn't want to be disrespectful, I wouldn't have agreed to being in the Tafida mansion right now.

Nadeen oblivious to what's happening around her was just glad to be at her grandparents so she ran off to the playground at the backyard.

Safe to say the Tafidas love their grandkids so much they go a little bit more extra then any grandparents I've met before.

When we got to Abba's living room, he was there together with Mammah as well as Haifa and a man who seems to be Na'eem's age.

The pleasenteries exchanged were as short as possible before Abba got down to business.

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