•Chapter 22•

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Jumu'ah Mubarak loves!💗
Don't forget to read suratul khaf!


Third month into this marriage and it's not lost on me on how comfortable it is becoming. I don't like that at all. You get comfortable around something and then you find it hard to leave when it's time. And I know I'm definitely going to leave.

Few days after all that drama with Na'eem he asked Haifa to leave and she silently did. Now I know that's not the end of it because God forbid if she let that pass easily but I'm a little bit relieved. His family definitely said something about it and his mother kept summoning him for days after Haifa left. I literally begged him to tell me something, anything about it but he said it's nothing to worry myself about. If it was nothing, he would have told me.

Even without all that, life has been pretty chaotic I guess. I'm visiting Kano for Eid and Ramadan is starting in three weeks time. While I really want to go home and see my family, I'm not really excited about 10 whole freaking days with Mama. It's going to be a nightmare.

I visited Adda Billy a few weeks back and she's not so okay. She looks pale even with her fair skin and has dark circles under her eyes. After I budged her for like an hour to tell me what's wrong, she finally told me that her family are blaming her for all that's happening. Her dad has stopped talking to her and all his sisters and her cousins do is taunt her. It's starting to affect her mother and she hates it.

Asad is constantly asking of his father and Ya Ahmad went to her house days before and asked her to go back to Kano with him. She asked him if he has even the tiniest bit of love for her in his heart and he told her he's going to fulfill all her rights towards him and give her the respect she deserves, but he's not capable of love.

Asad mistakenly came to the living room and clinged to his dad. He refused to let go and he cried for almost half an hour when his father left. "I don't like hurting my son Malak" She whispered the other day.

Ya Ahmad has refused to officially divorce her too. Her family are in total support of that and she's afraid her father might kick her out of the house soon. She'll have nowhere to go but back to Kano.

The main problem though is the fact that she found out she's pregnant. Asad will be more than three years old by the time she delivers but she's scared. If her parents should know, they'll definitely send her back. If Mama knows she'll force Ya Ahmad to take her back to Kano. If Ya Ahmad himself should know, I don't think he'll let her stay in Abuja.

"I don't even know what I want anymore Malak. I don't want him to divorce me. I want him to love me, is that too much to ask?" Tears rim her eyes and I shake my head hugging her. Allah tests his best servants more and insha'Allah Adda Billy is one of them. Insha'Allah she'll pass too.

I left the house with a heavy heart and when I and Adda Humairah talked, she told me things are not really good back there in Kano too.

"Ahmad isn't really okay. He has lost weight and is shutting everyone out" she mentions. "Has he ever let anyone in?" I ask with a scoff and she sigh.

"That's beside the point, I don't think he knows but he really needs Nabila in his life. I think he like her. He's refusing to let her go. I and Habib talked to him and he's not changing his mind at all. He doesn't want to let her go" She explains.

"He should spare us all the trouble and go tell her he's going to give her the affection she craves. That's all she's asking for Adda" I say. "You know how he can be" She shakes her head. "Arrogant, Difficult, Egoistic? Yes. He's all that" I nod and and she glared at me through the phone.

"You don't have the right to speak about him like that Malak. You're being so judgemental right now" She says. "Jeez, sorry" I roll my eyes.

We talked about a few more things and ended the call.

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