Parents: Anthony (Tony) Edward Stark Monica Marie Campbell.
Hometown: Malibu, California
Height: 5'10 ft
Hair Color: Brown.
Eye Color: Hazel (with powers fire red.)
Characteristics: Sarcastic, Funny, nice, a bitch(at times), athletic, smart, and loyal.
Highly skilled: Gymnastics, Trained Agent for S.H.I.E.L.D, Technology, Building, and Combat.
Accomplishments: Won noble prize at the age 14, Designed FRIDAY, helped make Iron Man suits, graduate early of the age of 16, Won Prom queen in high school.
Failures/Traumas: Mother died, her lover died, and her ex boyfriend had tried to kill her, and someone close to her died. many more to come...
Hobbies: Training, in the lab, listening to music, study, and running.
Power: Pyrokinesis. Crystal was born with it, she can have fire come out of her hands and control it wherever fire is.