"Guys...I think it worked!" Scott said. I pressed answer and put my phone against my cheek. There was nothing.
"h-" I said but the building exploded. I fell under the rubble. I tried to get up but something fell on my head make me pass out.
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"Hey, Red! Dont die on me kid, your dad will kill me." I heard. I opened my eyes to see Clint. He laughs. "There you go Red."
"Clint? What happened?" I asked.
"We're under attack." Oh great.
"By who?"
"That i dont know." He helped me up. "You good to walk?"
"Yeah im fine." I held my head. I grabbed the gauntlet from under the rubble. We stopped as we heard growls. "What the hell is that?" We turned back and Clint threw a arrow. It was those monsters from Wakanda. "Run!" I told Clint. We started to run and so did they. We threw arrows and fire at them and nothing slowed them down.
"Hold on!" Clint grabbed my waist and shot his arrow above us. I threw some fire at them. Once we got on the top, Clint grabbed one arrow. "Lets fire up these sons of bitches." He shot one. I raised my hands and fire came out of them. I burned them all. We fell back from exhaustion. "Oh, hey..." Nebula appears out of nowhere. "I know you."
"Yeah, take that." I gave her the gauntlet.
"Father. I have the stones." She said and we looked at each other.
"What?!" Clint and I said. She pressed her foot on Clints chest and pulled a knife on me. We laid there.
"Stop." I heard someone say.
"You're betraying us?" Nebula said to, now thinking if it, Gamora. Then another Nebula appears.
"Another one!" I said. The Nebula who had us, let us go. Clint and I ran.
"Listen, you get out of here okay?" He told me.
"Im not leaving you here." I assured him.
"Red, its not the time to get picky, go!"
"I hate you sometimes." I told him.
"Ill see you soon. Be careful."
"You too." We hugged and i ran off. I didn't stop running until I saw light. I was outside and i saw Steve and Thanos fighting. Thanos threw Steve across the ground. "Steve!" I screamed. I sprinted to him. "Hey, its me, its me."
"Crystal?" He coughed.
"Yeah, its me." I laughed with tears. I saw his shield was broken. i looked at him just like we did in New York. Like it was the first time.
"You cant stop me." Thanos said. "I want you to beg for you life." I stood up.
"Kill me! Dont touch him, just kill me instead." I yelled out to Thanos.