After a whole 3 hours, Steve and I calmed down. Nat helped me breathe and Bruce helped Steve. Clint was back, so was Nebula, Rocket and Rhodey. We both decided to keep our minds off it, by working.
"Who invited the homeles-" i trailed off as I saw it was Thor. He was... fat.
"Ah! Crystal!" He came up and hugged me. "Its so good to see you again!"
"Yeah." I stood there, just me and him. "Thor?"
"Yes!" He chugged his beer.
"Im sorry for what I said to you 5 years ago. I never meant it. I was way over my head and I exploded. Im very sorry." I apologized.
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"Well, you are forgiven!" He laughs. "Wheres the beer?" He walks off. I sighed and went to help my dad.
"Hey." Steve stopped me.
"Hi." I said back.
"We're not bad parents are we?" He asked.
"I hope not."
"I mean its for the greater good. Its too dangerous for her to be here alone." I nodded my head. "Right?"
"You're right. We love her so much. we're not bad parents at all." I took a deep breath. "We're not."
"She's okay. She's with Pepper and Morgan." I nodded my head.
"Your right." Steve kissed my forehead and we walked away. I helped my dad with the time machine. I was screwing in some bolts and and all of sudden my eyes started to close.
"I am-"
"Crystal!" I woke up and I looked around. My dad helped me out. "You're sleepy."
"No, im okay." He gave me a look.
"Dont pull that on me. I used to say that you." He took me to another room. He set me down on the couch. "Go to sleep."
"Im not-"
"Go to sleep or I'll ground you." I rolled my eyes. "Dont roll your eyes at me young lady." My dad turned off the lights and closed the door. I rested my head on the pillow and my eyes started to close.
I walked around the foggy, smokey, place. Everything was just dark. I started to cough and cough. I couldn't find anything. People were fighting and dying around me. I heard a snap and everything went white.
I gasped for air and screamed. I fell from the couch and everyone came in.
"Crystal!" My dad and Steve ran to me.
"I shouldn't have let you sleep." My dad said to himself. I suddenly felt okay as my dad held me in his arms.
"I'm fine." I gasp out.
"Uh, just get me some water." My dad told Steve. Everyone got of the room and my dad stayed with me. "Its still happening?" I nodded. "Baby, i wish i knew."
"This dream is different than the other one."
"Another one? Theres two?" I nodded my head again.
"The first one happened a few nights ago." I sighed. "Oh god." My dad puts his hand on my shoulder. He went to get the water from Steve. I sat there with no emotions.
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"What was happening?"
"Dad, this dream, it felt different."
"How different?"
"Elenas dream different. This dream felt like i lost someone important to me. Close to me." I looked at him. "Like you or Steve."
"Don't worry. Nothing is gonna happen to us." I nodded. I started to cry.
"I hoped that I could've stayed awake. Maybe this dream wont be real you know. Maybe it won't come true. I dont want it to be true if it hurts this bad." My dad wrapped me up with his arms and kissed my head. It was ine of the best hugs I have ever had. The best dad hug ever. "I just thought that if i dont sleep, it wont come true."
"My baby girl." He whispers. "Im right here." There was a long pause. "I wish i can hold you forever."
"I wish i can stay like this forever." He looked at me.
"I will never let anything happened to you, I promise."
"Don't promise me that. Promise that it wont be you." He didnt say anything. "Dad, im serious."
"I promise." We stayed in the room for a while. "You know i never stopped loving, caring, and even forgot about you." I looked up to him. "I've always had you in my mind."
"I love you dad." He smiles.
"I love you more than the nights and days." We walked out and I saw Steve. Steve walked up to me and hugged me.
"Thank god youre okay." He whispers to my ear.
"The dream was and probably is about you or my dad." He pulled back and looked at me. He sighed.
"If its me-"
"Wait." He grabbed my hands. "I did it for a good cause. But now, nothing will happen to us." Since my dad and Steve said that, i got calmer. Steve kissed my forehead. "The time machine works."
"Really? How do you know?"
"Clint went in and said it worked." I smirked.
"We can get the stones now." I said. We went to where the time machine was and I saw Clint. I gave him a small smile.
"Come on now Red, wheres that beautiful smile?" Clint chuckled and I smiled back. I hugged him. "Its been too long."
"Too long." I whispered. "Im sorry about Laura and the kids." I pushed him back. "We'll get them back." He slowly nodded.
"Speaking of kids, Wheres mini Crystal?" My eyes fell.
"Shes, uh, shes with Pepper. Pepper is taking care of her while we finish this mission." He nodded.
"Steve told me her name is Natalie. Pretty name, sounds familiar."
"Shes named after Nat. She's also a daddys girl." We walked away from the team. We went outside and sat down on the bench.
"It hurt didn't?" He said. "Steve told me."
"Like my soul was ripped away." I looked at him. "But, everything I do is for her." I sighed. "She wants to meet her uncles and aunts." I chuckled. All of us aren't even related, but we are a family, she still calls them aunts and uncles.
"Thats what sacrifice is for. It hurts but you have to do it." He held my hand. "Whatever it takes right Red?"