At Stark's Home

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Finally, home at last. I parked my car inside the garage. I went up the elevator and saw Pepper.

"Hey!" I smiled at her and gave her a hug.

"Crystal! How are you?" She hugged me tight, making my shoulder hurt.

"Ow!" She pulled away and I massaged my shoulder. "Pepper, I'm fine." She gave me a worried look.

"I want to see." I pulled down my shirt sleeve and showed her my wound. "Oh my, Crystal! What happened?" I put my sleeve back on and told her. A few tears fell from her eyes. She understood and she told me that my dad was coming home soon. I went to my room. When I walked in, it was all... White. So plain. So, later on, I'm going to Target to get some things for my room.

"Welcome back, Miss. Stark." JARVIS said. I smiled.

"Thank you, JARVIS. I missed you."

"Of course you did Miss. Stark, you can't live without me. Also, I missed talking to you." I laughed. I walked out of my room and saw my dad.

"Dad!" I yelled and ran to him.

"Hunny Bunny! Welcome back!" He gave me a hug. I winced at the pain again. "Something wrong?"

"Nope. Just glad to be home." I smiled. After a few hours, I went to Target, and pretty much bought the whole store. I put my bags and my nightstands in my room and headed to the training room to let some steam off. I had my shorts and my tank top and my boxing gloves on. I started to hit the bag over and over.

"NO ONE WILL EVER UNDERSTAND YOU!" I heard voices in my head and all I knew was I broke the bag.

"Tell me." I turned around and saw my dad. "What really happen in Washington."

"A lot happened." I took off my gloves. "The Winter Soldier was there. Complete chaos. And..."

"I heard."

"Elena died." I wiped off a tear. I walked to my dad's open arms. "I could've saved her." I cried. "If I just moved away, she would be alive."

"Honey, it's okay." I cried on his shoulder while he was rubbing my back. When I was done I thought about Matt. I have to tell him. "What a scar." He pointed at my wound on my shoulder.

"Yeah. The Winter Soldier gave it to me, twice." I chuckled. "I'm going to take a shower." I got up and I went to my room. I was in my shower for about what seemed like forever. I put on my PJs and headed to sleep.

-Next Day
I woke by the brightness of the sun, coming through the tall windows. I got out of bed and I brushed my teeth. I decided to do my room. The theme of it was black and white, with a hint of gold... When It was done, I looked at the window. Look at how beautiful New York is. I got dressed. I wore a maroon skirt with a creme color crop top, also with a green cardigan. I pulled out some beige boots. I went to the mirror and did a bun. To top it off, my rings. I walked out of my room and headed to the kitchen.

"Good morning!" My dad and Pepper sang. I'm glad that they are together. They make such a great couple.

"Pancakes?" My dad said.

"Sure! Why not!" I smiled. It's great to be back home. After eating, I went to Matt's house. I walked up the stairs and knock on his door.

"Crystal? What brings you here?" I didn't want to see his face.

"Matt, we need to talk."

"It's about...." He let me go into his apartment.

"Elena." He sat down. Matt is such a great guy. A Stanford graduate, a teacher in High School for Biology. A beautiful Ferrari, a coach on the boy's lacrosse team. This guy has everything. Besides, the love of his life, Elena.

"Where is she? Is she okay?" I looked at his worried eyes. He got up to get something to drink.

"Matt...Elena is..." I couldn't say it. Why can't I say it? I cried. "She's gone, Matt." He dropped his beer and he kneeled.

"S-she can't be!" I grabbed his hands.

"I'm so sorry, Matt." I choked on my words.

"What happened! What happened!"

"She saved me." He looked at me. "She pushed me out the way of a bullet and she got it." He gave me a hug. We both cried.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"She loves you, Matt. She still does." I sat down. He shook his head.

"I was going to ask her to marry me." My jaw just dropped. I felt like someone just punched me.


"I knew that job was dangerous." He said to himself.

"Matt... I know Elena. And I know that she would say yes to marrying you. You made her happy." He smiled.

"Crystal, have you ever get that feeling when you are dating someone and you are excited to see them that it just makes you have butterflies in your stomach? And when they leave, you have this hole in your chest?"

"No." He looked confused.

"You had boyfriends... Right?"

"Never like that." I got up. Matt opened the door. "I'm so sorry, Matt."

"I'm sorry as well." I walked out and headed to my car and drove home. It was 4 in the afternoon and I watched some Tv.

"Teen wolf again?" My dad said out of nowhere. Looked around and I saw him in the bar.

"What?! It's a great show."

"Yeah... Guy's shirtless and all the teens are werewolves."

"Stiles isn't a werewolf. Lydia isn't a werewolf, she's a banshee."

"What?" He gave me a drink. "Here. Just because you are 19, doesn't mean you can't drink a little, right?" I smiled and I drank the scotch.

"I need that." And I continued to watch Teen wolf. I got up to get myself a Snapple and I changed the channel. Bones, no, Criminal Minds, no, Pretty Little Liars, no, Buffy the vampire slayer? Umm... YES! After watching the marathon my phone rang. Who can this be? "Hello?"


"Yeah, and this is?" The voice sounds familiar. Wait, that can't be-

"Genevieve! Genevieve Lexi Gills!" Genevieve was one of my best friends. Me, her, and Elena were so close, but Genevieve moved away.

"GG?!" I laughed. "How you been!"

"I've been amazing! How you been?"

"Um, I don't know, really." Gen was that friend that a little serious and at times, funny and a trouble maker.

"Hey, I'm in New York, I was wondering if you want to hang?'' It was about 6 pm, what the hell, why not!

''Sure, just meet me at a bar called, Jimmy's it has karaoke.'' I got up and wrote my dad a note saying that I'm going out.

"Sure thing, Crystal.'' I went to my car and drove to the bar.

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