"Ultron think we're monsters. That we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." I looked up and My dad looked at me. "It's okay." He mouthed. I nodded my head. We finally made it to Sokovia.
"Crystal you go with the Maximoff's or with Clint. Banner find Romanoff. Clint shoot. Tony stall Ultron. Thor and I will team up. Now go." I ran out of the jet.
"Who you are you going with?" Pietro asked.
"I guess with you." I shyly smiled.
"You do have a beautiful smile, show it off next time."
"Maybe I will." I have a crush for Pietro Maximoff. Robots came out from the ground. "Pietro, it's time." I threw fireballs at them try to slow them down. "Need...A...little...help...here." Pietro ran and destroyed them.
"You alright?"
"Yeah." I saw another one. I burned it. "Go! I'll stay here."
"I'm not leaving you!"
"Maximoff leave! I got this." And he left. Then about 6 robots later, Pietro came.
"Let's go." He carried me and went full speed. When we stop, the ground started to crack. I almost fell, but he caught me by the waist and threw me. Ouch. I got up and help Pietro. We look and some of Ultron's bots started to talk but I burned them. "Can I ask you something?"
"It might be the wrong time but if we make it, can I take you out? Like, get to know each other a little more."
"Then stay alive," I told him. He gave me a smile and so did I. I went behind his back and he carried me. Going full speed burning all the robots. When Pietro stopped I flew off and rolled.
"I'm fine!" I had a glass stuck on my leg and I pulled it out. "Go! I'll catch up! Get your sister!" And he did. I got up. Four more came. "Really!" I grabbed a pole behind me and started to hit them. "What's next? Inhumans? " I ran.
"Tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed, walk it off." Steve said.
"Thanks for the confidence, Steve." I walked and a bunch of bots surrounded me. A gas leak so I had to do it. I threw fire at it and it exploded. It made me fly. I hit my head with boxes. "No wonder why they say don't play with fire." I did the same to more and I came across to people. "Follow me!" And they did. Pietro came. "You're bleeding.''
''You have a burn." He looked at me.
"Take these people to safety."
"Crystal, I'm not leaving you."
"Well, you have to." He pulled me in for a kiss.
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I remember when I kissed Steve, remember when they said that you have those butterflies in your stomach. Well, I had them with Steve, not with Pietro.
"God, I adore you." I kissed him again. "Now go!" And he took them somewhere. One of the bots came behind me. I began to burn its arms and they melted. I kicked it and burn his metal chest. "I'm related to a killing robot and a weird android. What a nice family reunion." I got more people and send them to a building where everyone was going in. One of them shot me in the leg. "Son of a Bitch!"
"Steve it's your cue." I heard Nat say. "Crystal swore."
"Uh, Language. They're happy." I limp all the way to the cars.
"I have been hit!" I said. "I'm still fighting, I need back up, soon." More came. "Steve, I got civilians in a building, what should I do?" I tossed a fireball at the robots and they exploded.
"Was that you, Crystal?" Nat said.
"The explosion thing? Yeah, it is. I learned that today." I got up and walked to the building.
"Leave them there just for now. I'll be there." Steve said.
"But they will die!"
"Then protect them!" And ran to the doors and hold them back.
"God, do I love my job. Killing robots, and now a flying piece of land." I said sarcastically. I killed the bots one by one. "Need back up!" There were too many. I hide against a car.
"Coming!" I heard Pietro say. Seconds later he came. "Here." Pietro saw me and squatted down. "You're scared." My eyes were filled with terror. I was actually going to cry.
"I'm fine." I lied. "You got shot!" I looked at his arm. And he looked at my leg.
"You got shot too!"
"The next wave is gonna hit any minute." I heard Steve say.
"Give me the people! I know where to put them!" Wanda said. And they went with her.
"Come on." Pietro said and carried me bridal style and went to the edge of the land. He pulled out something. He pulled out a little picture. He smiled at it and put it back and he had something else in his hand. It looked like a string or a necklace.
"Nick you son of a bitch." I said as I was the SHIELD helicarrier. Pietro smiled and carried me to where Steve and Nat were.
"This is SHIELD?" Pietro asked.
"This is what SHIELD supposed to be." Steve said back.
"This isn't so bad." He said.
"Let's load them up." And we ran to the buildings where the civilians were, putting them on the carriers.
"Come on! Let's go!" I yelled. "Get to those!" I ran back to the carries.
"You're staying here?" Pietro asked me.
"For a bit, I need them loaded in." I kissed him. "Be careful."
"I will." And he was gone.
"Go! Come on!" I yelled again.
"Crystal I need you!" I heard Steve say. I ran out to where Steve was. "Fire up." I tossed fire at the gas, Steve protected me with shield, and then it exploded. We made it to the center of the church. "Ready?"
"Ready." I began to shot fire at the robots while the others did their thing.
"Romanoff. You and Banner better not be playing 'hide the zucchini'." My dad said. Nat came.
"Whats the drill?" She asked.
"This is the drill." Dad pointed out. "If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."