I stole some clothes from a room. I just wanted to blend in. I walked to Janes room and I knocked. Rocket gave me a thumbs up. The door opened and there she was.
"Jane!" I smiled.
"Crystal Stark?" She looked at me weird. Her jaw dropped. "Oh my god you're Crystal Stark!"
"Thats me! The one and only." I chuckled.
"Im such a fan of your work! That piece you did for the noble prize, my favorite!" She smiles.
"That's amazing!" Wow i was only 14 when I made that.
"Wait, what are you doing here?" She questioned me. I panicked. I looked at Rocket who was telling me to make something up.
"I'm just wandering around." I nervously smiled.
"But how did you get here?" Ah shit.
"Loki." I blurted out.
"Loki?" She repeated.
"Oh yeah, me and Loki-" i had to think of something really quick. "We're dating!" She was stunned. I cant believe i said that.
"Loki, the one who nearly destroyed New York?" I bit my lip.
"Yes thats the one." I laughed. "You know, people change."
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"Right." She said. "Uh you want to come in?"
"Sure!" She let me in and Rocket followed.
"I never really thought that you're into Loki, I see you saw a Steve-" Rocket injected the needle in her and Jane fainted. I caught her.
"Rocket!" I yelled at him. "You couldn't wait for like 5 seconds? Or until she sat down?"
"Nope." He got the reality Stone out of her. We walked out and we were caught.
"Get them!" We started to run away from the guards.
"Thor! I got it!" Rocket yelled out.
"Get that rabbit! Get that girl!" The guards yelled. i heard a bow stretch and I grabbed Rocket as I heard the release of the arrow.
"Put me down!" We ran to a room and luckily, Thor was there. We catch our breath.
"Concerning that i saved your ass, how about showing me some respect." I smiled at Thor. "Hey. You must be Mom." I waved at Thor's mother. She smiled at me.
"I got the thing. Come on, we got to move." Rocket told Thor, showing him the needle.
"I wish we had more time." Thor said to his mother.
"This was a gift." She places her hands on his cheeks. "And you're going to be the man you're meant to be."