Steve and T'Challa were waiting for me and Shuri to start the process. We're bringing Bucky back. Shuri and I were talking and we got all the stuff that Bucky needs to come back.
"Are you sure about this?" I asked Steve as I put on my gloves.
"Yes." He looked at the capsule, which Bucky was inside. I held his hand. "You promise-"
"Shuri has it handled. Don't worry about it." I kissed his cheek and ran in the room. "Ready?" Shuri nodded. I pressed the button for the door to open. We unclip the belts around his body and carried him to the table.
"He's heavier than he looks." Shuri groaned as we put him on the table. Since Bucky was still frozen, I had to unfreeze him. "Don't burn him. I don't want my lab to smell-"
"I'm not going to burn him." My hands were lit up and i moved them up and down his body until we think he's ready. Water was dripping off the table onto the floor. "Alright done." Shuri injects a serum we made and we waited for Bucky to wake up.
"I have to leave. My mother needs me." Shuri told me as she left.
"Thank you Shuri." I sat down looking at Buckys vitals. Steve pulls a chair next to me. "We did it." I gave him a small smile. We heard a groan and we quickly sat up. I grabbed my medical stuff.
"What year is it?" Bucky groans as he tried to sit up.
"2034." I checked his heart. His eyes widen. "What?"
"I've been gone for 2 years?"
"But it's okay. We got everything and we, steve, thought it was a good time." I smiled at him.
"There's that smile." He chuckled. "I dreamt about it." I blushed. Oh no. He remembers the kiss and everything since that day. "So are we still on for that date?" I dropped my pen from the awkward moment. I picked it up and hit my head with the table. All you heard was metal supplies falling down. I pick them up and just smiled.
"I'm actually-"
"With me," Steve said. He stood next to me. Wow. This is gonna be awkward. Buckys facial expression was surprised.
"You actually stole the girl from me? I'm shocked Steve." They both smiled. "I thought it was the other way around."
"Very funny Buck." I coughed and they looked at me.
"Sorry, but um, Shuri is coming tomorrow to take you to a place. It's very nice. Since I'm your doctor, I really advise you to take time to relax. Focus on your thoughts. Trust me, it's very peaceful."
"Thanks, Doc." I put my hand on his shoulder.
"If anything, you can ring me." I pointed at the bell. I looked at Steve and nodded. I left them to talk. I walked to my room.
A Week Later
"I want to show you something that I made!" I covered my hands over Steve's as I was gonna surprise him with my new suit.
"I'm not sure where we're going but I feeling I'm gonna fall off a cliff." I chuckled and lightly punched his arm.
"Okay when I say 3 you can open your eyes." I let my hands go and I got into a stance. "3!" Steve opened his eyes and smiled.
"I'm very impressed!"
"It's fireproof!" I was so happy! I mean I made this! I took my time and perfecting it! "Plus it's made out of vibranium."
"Wow, you look really-"
"Hot?" Steve's face turned red. I giggled a little. Sam came running in.
"Guys!" We turned to him. "Nice suit Crystal."
"Thanks, Sam!" I gave him a wide smile.
"Sorry to interrupt but Ross is here and we have to go!" I ran to the computer and checked the cameras. General Ross was been carried into Shuri's place. "We need to go now!" I quickly took off my suit and ran to my room and packed my clothes.
"Crystal now!" Steve grabbed my hand and we ran to the Secret Door. We ran out and into the forest. We finally made it to the hideout house. "Ross came? I thought he didn't know where Wakanda was?"
"He knows something is up?" Sam said as he set his stuff down.
"I swear Ross needs to stop dropping by like this, my shoes aren't made for running." I huffed. "We're gonna be here for a while."
"Well, since we're going to be here for a while, I'll cook us something." Sam walks away. I left my clothes in my room and I went outside to the patio.
"It's nice out here." Steve walks behind me as we looked at the forest.
"The nice trees and the sunset, that's my favorite thing to look at." Steve stood next to me and grabbed my hand.
"Not as beautiful as you." I rolled my eyes and smiled. He's so cheesy, but I love that about him. "Let me guess? You want the world to disappear?"
"Not the whole world. You can stay, my dad too. Thor can visit on the weekends." I chuckled. "I've done bad things for the last 5 years, steve. Killed people to stop controlling the world. Keep the team safe."
"Well, you're a Stark. You had the instinct, you had no one to tell you what to do. You did what you had to do."
"The truth is, I'd do it all again. I told myself a hundred times that it was all for the greater good, but maybe I did it for selfish reasons, too. When I wasn't with my dad, all I thought about was you." Steve picked up my hand and kissed it.
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"Crystal." He whispered. Steve grabbed something from his pocket. I gasped.
"It's not a great ring, but, Crystal Stark, I love you so much that words can't describe it. I thought long and hard about this and I know it's right. This, what we have is real. Everything changed for me when I met you. You're all I want." Tears started to form. "I don't want to leave you, ever. So when everything is okay with the whole situation of us being fugitives, ill get you a real ring." I shook my head. "No? What? You don't want to be with me?"
"No, i don't care about the ring, Steve. Ring or no ring, I would never leave you." Steve sighed happily.
"So will you be Mrs. Crystal Rogers?" I just ran into his arms and cried.
"Yes!" I felt like the happiest girl alive! "Always And forever."
"Okay!" He puts the ring on my finger and we kissed. "That's our new thing now? Always and forever?"
"I love it."
"Uh, I made food. So, sorry it's not all Gucci since you got engaged now." I laughed and we sat down the eat. I couldn't stop smiling. I married the man who I want to be with.