Crystals Emotions

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Everyone gathered around what looked like more people. So i made my way next to Wanda.

"Whats going on?" Then I was grabbed by an older man.

"What the hell did you do!?" I was choking a bit and Wanda and Hope came in.

"Hey!" Wanda came charging in. She pushed Hank to Hope and grabbed me. "She's pregnant for god sake!" Everyone looked at me and I decided to shake it off.

"Hiya Pym. I didn't do anything." I said as i rubbed my throat.

"Starks always do something wrong."

"Well, thats in the past Hank, besides it wasnt our fault. We tried to stop him."


"Thanos. Some grape alien who wanted to balance the world by making half of the population vanish. If you want a longer version of that, wait for my next novel. So here we are Hank. The Stark family didnt do anything." Then here came his daughter Hope.

"But yet you guys caused SHIELD and The New York attack, Sokovia, Washington, Lagos-."

"Well hello there Hope." I chuckled. "First of all, SHIELD was my grandfathers idea, but wasnt your father part of it? And the others are all different stories." I sighed. "Listen, im gonna fix this okay."


"Now that isn't your business." I saw Death coming with her entrance. It was already time to go. I backed away from Hope and Pym. I wasn't emotionally ready. I still had my thoughts all over the place.

"Goodbye." I hugged Strange and Quill. Then Groot came in.

"Come on, dont be shy." Quill said to him.

"I am Groot." He grew a flower from his hand and gave it to me.

"Thank you Groot." I smiled at him. Wanda gave me a hug. "I told death if i could bring you back." I choked on my tears. "She said i couldnt."

"Dont worry, I believe that you all can bring us back." I gave her the last hug before I had to go. "Ill be careful, dont worry."

"I love you." I held her hand.

"I love you more." She smiled. I gave her one last hug. As i walked back, i left sad. Im leaving everyone behind. I walked with Death into the gateway. The gates closed, it was the last time i saw everyone.

"Follow me." We walked to another room. I saw the room. It had a big circle with some lettering on it.

"Lay down." She waked around the circle. I got into the circle and laid down.

"I got a question. Did you know i was gonna vanish from the snap?"

"Why did you think it took you forever to vanish? I was deciding. I needed to talk to you."

"You didnt think to come visit me when i was still 'alive'?'

"Knowing you? Haha you wouldn't believe it." I nodded my head.

"How times have you done this?" I asked her another question.

"You're the first." I was gonna faint.

"Good to know." She started to chant something in a language. She threw some stuff and fire came up. "Do you know where im gonna be?"

"Shh! You ask too many questions!" Uhh okay then. She threw one last thing. "Beautiful yet so fragile."


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