Misinterpreted, and awkward cafe dates

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We danced through the night he made me laugh. Forget the soreness in my feet. Make me sway. I remember his sweet voice.

"So you want to meet after you know not at a party?" He mumbled as we slowed danced his lips brushed my ears. I shiver but I smile he is asking me on a date. "Of course, What about Friday?" I ask trying to keep my confidence up
"No Thursday I can't wait to see you." I laugh nervously and continue dancing.

"There's this amazing cafe I go it every time I visit LA, we have to go there." he says with his sing song voice I smile and nod and look out the window of the car.
As soon as we leave the car, people gasp and snatch out their phones videoing our arrival as we walk we notice proper cameras lined up, men from magazines click and click. I turn giving my best angle and they gasp as Harry grasps my hand as we walk towards the cafe.
I remember seeing a magazine title Taila and Harry dance the night away I wonder what they will make out about today, "Taila here." Harry calls to me as we walk towards a small booth in the corner.

When we finish our dinner I already know so much about him I feel as though the connection is only increasing by the minute but I don't want to go home I want him to come with me. I look down at my hands, no they aren't just hands, they are Oscar holding hands. I look up right in his eye but smile, "Want to go to my place or yours?" I say politely but make sure he understands what I mean. He frowns and when he understands he makes a face which don't recognise "Taila... I don't think of you in that way I thought of us as friends..." I almost fall out of my chair I feel insanely stupid "But we..." and I just had to make things worse by looking like a clingy hopeless girl "Taila friends go to cafes together they talk I don't see what you are getting at." I look down at my hands but I don't feel as proud as I was before but I know he's hiding something then why else would he hold my hand but I don't press and make a fool out of myself."Its getting late I should go I have a...photo shoot tomorrow" I start to gather my things "Wait Taila..." I stop I still believe we should be together, only I was wrong "Aren't you going to pay for this..." I leave this time stomping my feet as I leave as my eyes threatening tears.

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