12 mask

43 7 0

Harry PoV

As I get back in the car and start driving tears fall down my face I replay her face that face broken down shaking I did that to her I hurt like that I took something good and pure and now it's rotten destroyed. I destroyed I betrayed I never meant those words why Harry why do you hurt her you love- shut the fuck up!

Taila PoV

I drive I don't know where I don't why I just drive and drive and start screaming hitting the wheel after an hour I cry silently and put on the radio just my luck one direction's story of my life comes on and it's his voice the one who hurt you the one you love- I hit the radio and hold my head in my hands.


Taila PoV

A week passed and I am the hot topic I grab Niall's shirt and start kissing him passionately I can feel him grinning we are now the it couple #Naila is our ship name we go everywhere together and I smile and kiss him every time I know this means I will see Harry but every time I kiss Niall I see him clenching his jaw every day I find new ways to wound him today I got to the opening of a show and I see Harry there I smile and walk up to him "It's been so long since we last met hasn't it!" The paparazzi question "You are still friends?" I grin "No..." I see the panic on Harry's face he thinks I'm going to reveal what happened and the paparazzi look confused "Harry is like my brother!" I laugh and walk back to Niall kissing him on the cheek he isn't like Harry at all he is so subtle and cute his ideal date is laughing and cooking at home Harry's is some UGH why am I comparing them, I hear questions shouted at Harry "So are you happy for Taila and Niall?" "Thrilled" I clench my jaw and I see him wince after he said that but why would he wince Taila. He doesn't like you he never did. I look back at the cameras and smile with Niall this is my face now this is my mask.


Yep basically I wanted to make Taila mean but she is too idk her she kind of idk u know wat 😑nm....Anyway hope you like it I love anyone who reads this story even if they hate at least they spent time reading
Wow I sound so needy
Thanks 😅😘


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