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Taila PoV

"What do you think?!" I walk in showing him my new trailer which is on release tomorrow he gasps "Wow I think someone is getting another Oscar!" He grins I have a sudden urge to kiss him who can resist those dimples "Thank
You." I look down we are in a cafe I can't kiss him I feel annoyed "What's wrong?" I laugh "No it's nothing why should anything be wrong?" I look back down and when I see him looking at me worriedly I smile and he seems relieved. Suddenly Midnight memories starts playing out of nowhere I love that song I start humming but I see it's his phone "Your ringtone is your own song!" I start laughing uncontrollably "Shut up!" But he starts laughing as well "I am not allowed to have another song and I hate those boring ones." He makes a sour face then picks up his phone "Hello...No I'm with Taila...yep...of course not...maybe I think that... yea ...yea ...ok bye"
I raise my eyebrows he smiles "That was Zayn." I look at him weirdly "oh..." I don't think it was Zayn why would they talk they haven't talked in a week but why would he lie to me.

We walk back to my house and I can't remember what it was but we ended laughing so much we fell on to the couch he was on me and it seemed like we were going to kiss but he gets up "I'm starving!" I look down he hasn't kissed me for a long time and he is acting like we are just friends maybe we you are now I tell that voice to go shit it self and start laughing "You just ate!" He pouts and I pout back "how are you not fat I swear" he grins mischievously "I have magic powers! How many times doI need to tell you!" We both start laughing and he places his hands on my back I lean in for a kiss see he does like me but as soon as our lips touch he pulls back "I have to go Simon...needed...now" he mumbles as he takes out his car and zoomed out. What?!

Harry PoV

I see Taila in the rear mirror she looks so confused and upset as I drive I feel tears form you bought this on yourself you need to tell her I tell that voice to shut up.

Taila PoV

It's been days since we have seen each other and he's on some tour why didn't he tell me because you aren't important to him I sigh and put MTV on steal my girl comes and Harry's face comes on i look away I can't see him I switch the channel and put another music channel and Harry and some girl come up "It seems on the tour Styles has fell in love with new Victoria secret model they were spotted kissing on his private beach" It showed Harry kissing her and tears fall I change the channel back to MTV quickly Instead Night changes comes on I throw the remote at the TV and it smashes why was I so stupid why can't you see Taila?! Night changes keeps playing but there nothing to be afraid of even when the night changes it will never change me and u and I keep crying going numb and numb until my eyes can't hold them self anymore until I fall asleep wrapping my arms around myself and tears drowning my face.


Hey guys it's hard to update frequently now because I'm on holiday and there's no wifi 😭😭😮😭😭 I even wrote the whole story 😑 I feel so sorry for Taila
but please feel free to comment and vote
thank you


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