26 The date?

20 4 2

Taila PoV

"Aren't you excited about the baby."
"What?!" Lucas stares at me if I am extremely stupid
"Harrys baby...." My throat drys up and my heart beats faster why does he do this to me.
"Of course." He eyes me wondering why my mood change.
I wonder if Harry will like Lucas but they seem like two different people "No..."
"Sorry?" Lucas' tilts his head
"Oh nothing just wondering what the world be like if it rained hedgehogs?"
He chuckled sipping his coffee
"So Taila..."
I raise my eyebrows
"Would you like to accompany me to a dinner?" I stare at him bewildered, Lucas Blackern is asking me to a date?

I look at the mirror as my stylists work on me flawlessly covering the deal circles and breakouts. Aria twirls my hair into soft natural looking curls and applies nude eyeshadow and matching nude lipstick but with a pink twist. She pins up my hair into perfect but simple bun.

I take my clutch and heels skipping to my car singing Victorious by Panic! At the Disco.
"Tonight we are victorious,
Champagne pouring all over us
All my friends were glorious
Tonight we are vic-tori-ous
Oh oh oh!" The driver gives me an odd look but doesn't say anything.

I step into the now reserved restaurant.
I smile and wave to Lucas he grins back as I sit down. The single candle illuminates his face any giving a homy atmosphere "You look very nice." He eyes my dress in appropriate manner, I smile as I skim the menu deciding on on a salad.

"No we are at a French 5 star restaurant and you are not having a caesar salad."
"Then what will I have?"
"Try the Roquefort salad such a traditional and delicious choice." I frown
I did think that he would tell me I didn't need to eat a salad and could eat actually good food, like Harry would. I quickly dismiss the thought maybe he thought I liked salads, it doesn't matter.

As we eat he talks about his business and how he started out as broke high school dropout, then worked hard to become the famous trading CEO of the world. I nod slightly convincing him to go one but my mind was somewhere else I wonder what Harry's up to.
I suddenly feel bad for not talking to Lucas but he doesn't mind as he animatedly repeats the event of how he first trade with the Chinese market. The dinner goes on slowly me only having a salad dessert I sigh oh desert how much I miss creamy silky chocolate and icy cool sorbet,
my mouth waters on the thought.
"You don't want desert right?" He orders something for him at the bored waiter. I purse my lips "Because you are on that diet." I nod quietly losing my appetite.

As we approach the door I see a swarm of paparazzi damn it one of the waiters might of tweeted out location of mine.
I gulp nervously, as much I am used to the reporters however I can't get used to the churn of my stomach and the sudden flashes of the cameras hurting my eyes. When we leave surprisingly Lucas holds my hands as the reporters bombard us with questions which I desperately try to ignore but some hit hard.
"Is this your new toy boy?"
"Are you forgetting Harry already?"
"So you never liked Harry anyways ."
"Are you dating for the money?"
"Are you doing this for publicity like you did with Harry."
Tears burn my eyes but I quickly walk into the car without crying but then I let my walls down. Did that hurt you so much do you still have feelings for Harry you do don't you.
I look at Lucas as he enters the car he smiles at me "So what do you want to do?" I politely ask.
"I'm tired that's was fun lets meet next Thursday if you want?" I nod my head, smiling but the smile doesn't reach my eyes.

I am groggy and hugging my blanket this bed is undeniably conformable. Sleep yes I want sleep. But unfortunately for me, my phone erupts into a wild vibrations pattern, probably Leslie.
But as soon as I pick up I immediately regret it. "Taila..." It's his voice his raspy musical voice.


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Ps I am love with Panic!at the discos new song Victorious check it out it's amazing©© ℗℃℗℃℠©℠©℃©℃
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