27 The call

30 3 8

Taila PoV


"W-What do you want Harry."
I whisper not sure he'd heard me.

"I miss you Taila, I really miss you."

I took a sharp intake of breath my heartbeat increasing rapidly.

Harry's PoV

I missed her like crazy; her adorable scrunch of the nose when I hinted at innuendo, her wide big brown eyes and the way she hid behind her hair when embarrassed and the way she smiled.
Her smile it's drug I can't get enough of.
I stare at my shoes, guilt burning through me I made her frown too much and she didn't even deserve it. I think of Keria and the soon to be child. I will be a father and I will have to be the best one I can, even though it was mistake, I can't make another.

"I miss you Taila but...But we need to stop." I hear shaky breaths on the other line.

"W-What do mean?"

"We need to stop being friends in the public eye and stop this whole godmother business we need to stay out of each other lives."
I say in one go without my voice breaking my chest contracts, hurt by my lie. I want her to be in my life.

I want her so bad...
I don't hear a response.

"You aren't going to be Harry styles' friend anymore Taila and I'm sorry.

Still no response.

"I hope you a happy life Harry."

And the line ends I ignore the wet trails of tears.
Goodbye Taila...


I'm sorry it's short 🙊 I have this biology test coming up and I'm going to fail so...

But from now on they are going to stay out of each other's life don't worry there's more to come there's going to be mainly Harry's PoV for a reason but yeah

Anywayz hope you all are awesome as ever 🐨🐻🐺🐶🐩

ZainaB 🍗🍘🍙🍚🍛🍖🍕🍔

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