9 Friends?

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Harry PoV

Simon rings me "Hello? Where are you didn't you read the magazine you and Taila! I told you to be careful they are going to keep an eye on what you do! I what? I am going to send you boys on a concert in China China?! Yes to get away maybe you will do a Asia tour that seems good enough ! I end the call and sigh I wonder how Taila is holding up

Taila PoV
How can they let this happen there are paparazzi everywhere I feel like I have no privacy I want to scream at them but I'm not to become those scary celebrity's instead I shut myself in.  I heard Harry is going for an Asia tour typical to run away from problems. Rring ring hello? Harry? Yea it's me we need to talk How exactly if you haven't noticed I am cocooned in my house unless you are some genius who can transport to places without people noticing you then I'm in Actually I am so..."Hello" I turn around and I see Harry standing there I gasp and my phone almost falls but he catches when he sees my scared expression he grins "What?! How??" I Mutter utterly confused He takes my hand and places me against a wall my breathing starts speeding up and up until I feel like if he keeps standing so close to me I will explode his lips are almost touching mine and his eyes are staring into mine I feel dizzy. He touches my cheek and I feel goosebumps rising up my arms. "Taila...if you want me to stop say..." He starts running his arm up and down my arm I shiver and he grins damn how can I resist those dimples. He places his hand behind my back and pulls me even closer which I thought was impossible and then leans in his eyes closed I feel my eyelids drop and he kisses me.

I sit at the fire place with a steaming mug of coffee and Harry comes and sits "So what now?" He sighs and takes my hand " I love you Taila." I stare into those eyes I love you too "But..." I snatch my hand back why am I so stupid this always happens always "Taila listen to me please if we love each other this can work please it can work trust me but..." "There is always a but Harry always with you. I was stupid to think you changed but who am I kidding in a week or two it never happens does it?" A tear escapes my eyes oh god I hate to cry "Taila please we can make this work don't cry" he kisses my tear and I love him again every thing about him I can't stop it's just him.


"Taila and Harry claims they are just friend going together for a friendly dinner with the rest of 1d but #Tarry fans are not giving just yet even if they are just friends." Friends a tear escapes I guess I am going this I am dating Harty styles in secret God why was I so stupid to do this...

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