17 Birthday?

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Taila PoV
"What the actual hell?!" I shout drinking my expresso at the magazine cover's title "Taila's great birthday crash!" I groan when I read the sub heading 'ex tries to rape Taila' HE DIDNT TRY TO RAPE ME! I scowl 'But Styles comes to rescue.' Are you serious are you kidding me this is an actual joke 'Harry even stayed with her as she was very disturbed' EXCUSE ME!? 'Keria states that Styles is a very helpful friend and would do anything for her.'

"Ha!" Harry chuckles at my expression I stare at him "Wear your shirt and eat your breakfast!" He just continues laughing "You are wearing my shirt!" I ignore him and let my mind dwell on the accurate recap of yesterday...

Taila PoV
I glare at Harry and Keria just who do think they can come to a party uninvited I zone out of what Leslie is saying when she sighs loudly "Hm yea..." She grunts
"I just said you aren't listening to me are you?!"
"Er whoops-"
"What's bothering you?" She follows my gaze to Keria showing off her ring I bet she choose it as well "Who invited them!" She shrugs I make an annoyed sound and march to them "Happy birthday!"Keria smiles fakely  "Thanks...how are you? Thank you for coming" I auntie kiss Keria and awkwardly hug Harry
"Thank you for inviting us!" I smile
"No problem considering I didn't actually invite you." Harry chokes on his champagne stifling a laugh and Keria stares at me wide eyed "Well goodbye hope you have an amazing time." I walk away trying really hard not to burst out laughing. Gooooooodddddd the look on their faces was priceless!

It's about mid way the party when a man walks through I make my way to greet them when I see him wait who's he then the I realise...he's my Ex. He looks so different like before he was some nerdy university student who stutters and wore slightly broken glasses and I can't forget how he had the most obnoxious personality thought acting was a joke and now I stare at a well built man who has startling blue eyes and styled back blonde hair and his jaw is actually making me swoon and is wearing an Armani suit I actually trip when he smiles his white teeth flashing at me. "Taila how are you." His Australian accent sounds so hot I feel like a shit head for dumping him "G-George." The only voice I can make "You remember my name shocker. Brilliant party I must say quite a career you made for your self." I stare at him "So..." I choke them quickly calm myself "What do you do now?" He smirks "Is Taila Aries interested in what I do I must say that's a first..." I only stare at him even wide eyed "I'm a banker, accountant. I make a lot of money now made a few changes..." I gulp a few? "I have to thank you Taila." I stop stuttering "For what?" I tilt my head "You made me understand that my ways aren't going to get me anywhere I started taking care in what I do paying attention more really helped me." Guilt burns through me I was such an awful girlfriend I guess karma took care of everything "Well I am very happy for you." He frowns "Taila I was never mad at you. I was mad at myself i never did give you any time and thought your acting career was silly when clearly not I was just not the boyfriend you deserved..." I sigh beginning an explanation to him I'm single and hope he is too no guilt but then excuse myself when someone calls my name.

Harry PoV

Who the hell is Taila talking to he looks like some rich business man is she nervous? Is she staring?! Why do you care! Keria sees me watching and glares at me "Ugh I heard of him George Writhsam hot rich guy maybe I should of married him, but then where's the fame in that."  It takes all my energy to not slap that hoë on the face.  I call out Taila's name and run to her "I almost forgot your present." Her lips in a pressed line "Oh thanks." She looks to the floor "Keria doesn't know so shush...here." I place a carefully wrapped little box into her hands. She makes a face a flash in her eyes I can't quite understand, "Who is that?" I ask a little too forcefully she raises her eyebrows "My ex." And then she walks away leaving me wanting to just beat the crap out of him even just being with her.

Taila PoV

It is almost the end of the party thank god I hate parties just then George comes up to me and kisses my hand like some gentlemen "My lady would you care to dance?" I laugh "You do realise that this is the 21st century?" He shushes me and I grin "I would love to." I curtsy like a lady and we sway to the music not like the 19th century our bodies are so close I can feel the heat building up between us the next thing I know it we are kissing passionately in the house where no one will catch us...

Harry PoV

Ugh I hate dancing with Keria she looks like some constipated turtle trying to be sexy I was just going to the "toilet" when I see her and her tongue down George's thoart I don't even think about it I just grab by his collar and start punching that messed up face.

Taila pov

What the actual fück! I try pushing Harry off George before he turns unconscious shit whoops..too late "HARRY STOP! He's unconscious!" He gets up panting and his face red and pushes me against the wall crashing his lips against mine how can his lips be so soft yet be so wild "Taila.." He groans i sigh when he kisses my collarbone I love how he pronounces the t like a breath, I tangle my hands in his hair making him moan his hands pull us closer until I stop and I look up at him "What now?"

Harry PoV
I look at those eyes geez those actually eyes Jesus... and the next thing I know I'm pushing her through one of the guest rooms...

WOAH i didnt really go with this it just kind of um idk happened 😁😅😬😧but you know I try every time even though I suck 😂 😇 My summer is um idek anymore...
I am in Scotland yep idk it's so pretty I love it here 😋 but enough about my annoying boring good for nothing life how is yours 😁😘

Thanks lovelies for every thing!!!!!


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