29 Premieres, betrayed lies and a cry call

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Taila POV

"Look here yes left side!"

"What are you wearing?!" I pose and the flash slightly hurting my eyes.

It's the big day.

The premiere is today.

I walk the crimson red carpet my arm linked with a grinning Lucas.
He flashes his winning smiles at the paparazzi questioning even his outfit.

"Armani. Made specially."

He stands in corner checking his messages, as I stay still flashing all fakes grins at men clicking their heavy cameras.

"Taila! We have some questions for you!"

I walk to a tall guy with a buzz feed mic.


"So are you pumped for this movie huh?"

He laughs at my shout, I always thought buzz feed was the most polite.

"So let's play a game? Kiss, kill or marry!"

I nod slightly uncertain.

"Harry styles, Dylan O'Brien or Matty Healy from 1975" I lift and eyebrow,

"I have no idea."

"Aw come on?"

"Erm I have never met Matty so sorry kill, Dylan kiss and marry Harry." I shrug hopefully no one will make a deal of the choice of Harry.

He nods and my name gets called so I move on to the next interviewer about my character and so on.

"The movie went well, I mean everyone loved it, patting my back after it ended."
Lucas nodded picking his nails after we arrived at my house.
"Hey I will get some wine to celebrate."
He goes off and I sit down on my cold sofa feeling so alone.

Harry POV

Erm I have never met Matty so sorry kill, Dylan kiss and marry Harry." Taila shrugs before another actor comes on the screen.

My hearts skips a beat. But I disregard it as Keria comes in teary eyed.

"Harry..." She sits down.

"Yea...?" I shut the TV off and sit to face her, my eyebrows raised.

"Before I tell you please know, I'm so sorry. I never meant to get this far... I can't go without telling you the truth- the real story." She pats her round belly.

"When we started to fake date and so on. I was having an affair with Calvin."

"Wait what! Calvin your- your married and 40 year old manger."

My mind starts to spin.

"Doesn't he have a family..." I clean my jaw at her, confusion spilling everywhere.

"I know about you and Taila don't act so-"

She stops herself from spitting evil words then to go on with a small voice.

"The affair still went on..."

I stand up abruptly, but she pulls my hand.

"There's more."

No! It can't be...

"It's Calvins baby."


I drive with blinding speed not caring about all the speed tickets, which will land on my front door the next morning.

It's not my baby.

I called my manger for sorting a divorce. Whilst Keria's squeaky voice tells me of how she was gonna run away with him but she couldn't.

Betrayal hits me in the chest as I pull over in the middle of a highway, in the middle of the classic London pouring rain.

I don't even know if I'm in London but I don't actually give two fuçks.

I walk and walk until my limbs turn tired for pushing myself.

I find myself in some unknown woods but I scream letting all the angry crappy feeling pouring out of my mouth, in violet screams.

I kneel, rain dampens my now too long hair.

The mud stains my jeans but I close my eyes letting the water soak me into nothingness.

I open the car door and my phones which on silent... 489 missed calls in total.


I start to drive back feeling numb with the cold and frustrated emotions.

My phone starts vibrating loudly until my patience wear thin.
I grab it from the passenger seat,letting it on speaker.


"Harry..." A small sobbing voice calls.


"Help me..."

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