16 Fixing

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Taila PoV

I stare at the TV in a mix of anger and relief I see Harry talking to the TV presenter and laughing "Taila was really sick as her best friend it was my duty to help her it took so long to get her patched up I crashed on the couch." He smiles I frown patched up? "Was Keria ok with this?" "Of course Keria is so supportive with these things which is why I love her." I don't know which is lies Keria being ok with this or he loving her Maybe he is telling the truth.

Harr PoV

I feel guilt burning through me but this the right thing to do. Is it? Keria jut presses her lips into a thin line it ruins her face "This is a lesson Styles you will not do this again now you know consequences-" "Jesus when did I get a mom for a fiancée." She snarls at me and when I get a call from Taila she narrows her eyes I can't live myself if I decline this call it could be important..."I am your fiancée Styles! And the right thing to do is put down that phone, in fact give it to me." She hands out her hands I hesitate what the heck it couldn't do that much harm I shove the phone in her hand but why am I getting such a bad feeling in my gut.

Taila PoV

Tears swarm my eyes my arm is infected. I guess I really did get hurt badly I feel awful I can't stop vomiting and my forehead is burning. I grab my phone shit I remember Leslie is on holiday I speed dial Harry but he declines my call what the hell?! My mind is going on circles and my vision is really cloudy black specks start to form and I fall and black is my screen...

Harry PoV

I am exhausted I put on the TV when the news show the headline I instantly get up "Taila was found unconscious in her home it seems she was really sick doctors claims she had a deep wound which got infected badly we hope that she will feel better and send her wishes..." I grab for my phone and keys on the table Shit! This is all my fault she called me yesterday and now Keria has even taken my keys "Füçk!" I race to Keria's bedroom she is asleep "Keria!" I push her and shout "Ugh what the hell?!" "You took my bloody keys give them back you little whöre!" She gets up unaffected and then I realise she isn't wearing clothes a blush creeps up my face "Embarrassed Styles?" She waves a pair or keys in the air I try to grab them but she takes them before I can "It's not like you haven't see this before..." "Give it slüt!" She laughs "Cursing at me won't give these back to you Styles" "Stop calling me that." Anger is boiling in my blood. "Styles styles styles styles!" She giggles liking my tempered reaction. "I am not letting you see her if it is the last thing I do." I want to slap that face until that stupid voice mute.

Tail PoV

Ugh I feel awful I shuffle until I realise where am I. I stare at the blue light and get up "Leslie.." She rushes to me "I'm so sorry are you feeling alright you should of contacted me!" She fixes my pillow and then I get so angry when I realise Harry isn't there and he ignored me, I'm not stupid I know the press knows so he will but why would he come Taila he doesn't even like you I sigh Leslie gives me a sad face "How the actual hell did this happen?" I bite my tongue "I know Styles came to your place but you weren't sick were you drinking..." I stare at her wide eyed "Please I saw all the empty wine bottles and the broken glass honestly Taila if you are going to act like some immature teenager then I will get you a chaperone!" I stare at the blankets at guilt. I feel like crying not from my stomach not from the ache in my head the throb on my arm because I am hurt hurt he doesn't give a shït about me....She makes an annoyed sound "Ok fine I'm sorry for snapping at you I almost forgot its your birthday next week." I cringe I hate birthday parties they always end up in disasters. Maybe this year it won't be so bad...


Ewwwwwww I don't like Keria

I swear this cliff hanger is so bad but you know I just try and fail that's basically my life but enough about mines...
how are you lovelies??
😊I am just finishing the last chapter😉 or am I 😱 dun dum bum I don't what was that...

Thanks for like idk reading? (Needy girl here) 😂😅😎

ZainaB❤️💜💛💚💙because rainbows forever😄

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