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Taila PoV

I stared at him why did he just swap back with Liam I just concentrated on the show but my gaze kept falling on him sometimes I found myself staring at him so I would quickly smile and applause politely but I had no clue what was going on, my mind was whirling round and round I drew circles on my wrist with my thumb again and again till I realise nominations for best voted actress Taila Aries... I look up at the camera and smile pretending I just think it's a friendly competition it's nothing but of course it is no matter how many awards I have I have to get more to keep the cycle running.

Harry PoV
God why is she so beautiful it would of been easier if she wasn't looking at me I see her panic her eyes are wide even as big as they are her smile is fake and ther thumb is moving and around her wrist I stare at her she isn't calm at all she look as if she's going to explode I lean into her "Stop you look too nervous!" I whisper my lips almost touching her ears immediately she stops and puts on a clean blank face I couldn't help but feel as though I need to touch her tell her every thing is going to be alright hold her in my arms but I can't I look towards the screen pretending the cameras all around me aren't there. Weird there's way more than I thought and for some reason they are directed right at me...

Taila PoV

Harry whispered in my ear I felt cold I felt as though I was going to cry but no keep it together. When he held my hand the cameras caught it now they are pointed towards us and not moving and zooming into our faces its okay for them to be shooting me but why Harry....oh they think he's something more than a friend because of last time I smile and pretend not to notice. Harry doesn't look at me I wish he would I wish he could cradle me in those arms and tell me it's fine but he can't and more importantly he won't. I stare at my hands. I shouldn't be thinking like this...but my brain is hurting so much I start picking at the skin around my fingers I stopped because it doesn't look good and of course I have too. But now I'm so nervous not only my face but my mind has gone blank. I do it so none of the camera sees but I see from the corner of eye Harry looks down and clenches his jaw. What is his problem?

Harry PoV
How can she not realise everyone is paying attention to us she is just sitting there passively and it's driving me insane just when I was catching glimpses of her I saw her hands picking at something and she itching the skin around her fingers and I could tell she wasn't thinking I clench my jaw this isn't good for her I want her to be calm but we can't talk out loud..."Alright we will be back right from the commercials see you then!" The hosts stop I quickly take her hands and squeeze them tight "it's okay you need to be calm Taila if you continue they are going to notice just keep still you are doing great!" I tip her chin up to my face "I am here nothing is going to happen okay?" She stares at me and nods as the her makeup team reapply and apply cream to her fingers as she sits quietly I feel her watching me and I look back what on earth is she thinking but Our team comes and continues with us.

Taila PoV

Yesterday I won the award it was magical I sat next to Harry I know he was just trying to be nice but when those words escaped from his lips my heart felt like it was about to explode. I pick up the newest magazine I know I shouldn't but I can't help it and when I do the steaming mug of coffee falls from my hands "Shït!" On the cover is me and Harry holding my hand and the big title is #Tarry all you need to know about the new ship! Ship?

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