28 Questions, Answers and rumors blasters

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Taila PoV

I see his face on the TV.

"One direction hiatus starts and..."

I sigh at his face, illuminated by all the cameras flashing.

He's probably forgotten about me. What's the point on dwelling on Harry Styles.

Suddenly someone's massages my shoulders, Lucas.
"Hey Taila baby you have shooting today right? I have a meeting in Taiwan.... So can we can we have our dinner another time."

"Er sure... Tomorrow?"

"Sorry maybe Wednesday it will be a 3 day trip."

I nod solemnly and sigh deeply.

This isn't what I imagined when I agreed to date Lucas Blackern. Lots of cancelled dinner and late nights.

Maybe it's just me, after all fairytale doesn't exist in reality.

I step out, my bodyguard trying to keep me covered from the vicious animals known as paparazzi.

"Are you getting married to Lucas Blackern?!"

I've been dating for 3 weeks not years.

"Are you and Harry not friends anymore?"

We never were.

"Are you an alcoholic?"

Please. I prefer the term actress.

"Is it true you went to rehab."

Where have you been going.

"Are you exited for your new film?"

Finally a nice guy. "Yeah actually I hope you all will love it as I did making it."

He seems joyed I answered. I don't answer many, he tries to ask another but we have to get to my waiting car or I will get trampled on.

We get to my car, Larry opening the door rapidly and we pile in.

I sigh as we drive pass the camera flashes and bad mouthed paparazzi.

My phone rings,



'You have another interview at 3 at Real cameras.'

"Oh hello to you to Leslie.'

'Oh hush remember avoid any questions about Harry or personal life. Do you hear me, these people are ruthless and will push pressure points. They aren't sympathetic do you hear me.'

"Yes yes have a good day Leslie."

"So hello Taila Aries! Thank for coming to Real Cameras."

A short blonde lady sits on the other uncomfortable sofa.

"Thank you for having me."

"So you have a new movie coming out is that right? Which you have produced and acted in right?"

"Yes. it's called Colour Me Blind Love. And it's coming out on January 27th, to all cinemas. Make sure to check it out!"

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