7 Super awks seating, MTV shows and remebering kisses

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Taila PoV
I couldn't sleep why can't I sleep maybe it's because that kiss no it's can't be! because you don't like him or do you. I look at the ceiling. Why do you want him there's no him. You can't have him and you won't.

Harry PoV
It's the MTV awards even though they passed its some re award ceremony thing but this time we are going. They show us our seats around the front row. I sit at edge only one seat next to me, I sigh hoping I don't have to make small talk with anyone.

Taila PoV

I walk down the aisle and I look down at my phone it depends on this night if I win this award so many opportunities will open. I was too busy messaging my makeup team that I didn't notice one direction was sitting next to me I sit down and when I look up I see that curly chestnut hair and big brown eyes and those eyelashes this is going to be along night....

Harry PoV

I hear heels I mumble something about privacy thinking it was some random fashion designer when I see her ...Taila.

Taila PoV

"Harry..." I gasp when I see him the flood of memories coming back. His eyes widen and he whispers to Liam probably something about seats and next thing I know it Liam Payne is sitting next "Hey." he whispers I nod back slightly confused and embarrassed "Do you know when they are starting?" He looks at his watch "About 20 minutes I guess...So you and Harry seem friendly?" I look at him he smiles I don't think he meant in a bad way but I feel awkward "oh sorry I didn't think anything actually happened between you oh I'm sorry I forgot about that time..." "No no magazines tend dramatise everything." I say Liam seemed nice then again anyone seemed nicer then Harry so I was quiet till the show started.

Harry PoV
What the hell I didn't switch seats so Liam could have a chit chat with her I just didn't want to make things awkward but they aren't talking now should I..."Liam can we switch seats again" I ask him "What mate again what are we 5?" He commented as we switch again "Hi Taila well this is going to bs long night..."

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