6 Him again?

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Taila PoV

Everything was so busy recently I can't even breath. The last few weeks have been tormenting but I learnt if the paparazzi want me they can have me.
I was about to go the pool with Kendall Jenner when my phone started to ring, my manger Leslie gave it to me. I hired Leslie because everything is too hectic for me too handle plus she's super helpful. I stare at the screen and I almost fall.
Harry styles
What? Why is he calling me? How dare he call me after what happens it took a lot for me to get over him I don't need this I close my phone and shove it to Leslie who has an apologetic face "I'm sorry Leslie don't give me my phone unless some one is dieing or gone to the hospital or in life threatening danger and I doubt Harry styles is!"
"But I will die without you." No this can't be happening I turn to see him...
Him who tortured me with sleepless nights. him who gave me the name I never asked for.
And got that damn paparazzi after me, him who taught me life isn't what they seem. him who gave me my first heartbreak wellish .
I see Harry walk toward I inch back unsure what to do "Then I guess you might want to plan your funeral! Because I would never want to be with you." I turn to walk away I pray my eyes will hold the tears back "Listen hey" he grabs my arm I let him "Look just talk to me please." what so you can break my heart again "I will rather not." I mutter then leave and ignore his pained face which I leave behind what are you doing can't you see he... a voice speaks in the back of my head I tell that voice to shut up.

When I return home I'm exhausted I had another shoot and day out with Kendall made me tired as ever I was about to get a glass of water when I see a shadow "Who's there." I feel stupid obviously no one would reply. I creep to where I last saw a shadow then suddenly a hand places on my arm and shoulder and I am pressed against the wall. I start withering and screaming "Shhhh it's me hey it me." he pushes my chin up so I can he his face I gasp...him.

"What on earth are you doing?!" I shout to Harry his face looks so beautiful in the moonlight a shadow over falls his face. And then he kisses me.

At first I struggle but then slowly melt into what is him I can't control this I can't stop I can't breathe.

Why is it so hard his lips taste like vanilla and they are so soft I don't want this too end I want...

I stop "What the heck what the actual-"I was interrupted by him putting a finger on my lips I move toward the living room and sit down and he's sits opposite me. I touch my lips just to be sure and look at him what does this mean what is he trying to make to happen?

"Taila I really really like you and I can't, I tried pushing you off but I can't not be with you it's just too hard it's-" I gasp confused by this outburst of emotions "Harry..." I stare at him could it be real does he love me does he want me...i was wrong "I have a proposition to make..." I sit forward to show him I'm listening "We both can start dating?" I look at him what?! Dating him of course I want to date him I knew that he loved me that this wasn't some twisted thing "But we have to stay friends in the eye of the public" I laugh "Ok what you except is to date in hiding like some children"

"No Taila I just...Its too hard to date in this world of fame you know that-" he places his hand on mine and I flinch. I was stupid again to think this was real. "There are plenty of couples. Don't even! You know I don't like you anyway so this isn't a problem I would leave if I were you. You don't want the paparazzi hearing about this do you?" I put as much distaste in to the last sentence I almost regret it when I see his face dismayed and lost.

When I leave I hear him say, with that voice of his that musical voice, say the things I would last expect him to say "I am not letting go of you Taila I'm not."

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