20 Wedding

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Harry PoV
This is happening. I am doing this. I am marrying someone. Someone I don't love I close my eyes it for the best Harry. Or is it I can't go back I see her she only came to the reception not the actual wedding I know I can see it's hurting her being here in the same room but she doesn't know how much it hurts me?

Taila PoV

One fuçking year he shows up and now I am at his wedding. I couldn't see them exchange vows I just wouldn't be able to take it. I guess all that years worth of courage was drowned down the drain. I smirk wow look where I am this is just saddening to be honest I wonder how they even met or married I guess magazines did go crazy it was worth it or was it he is marrying someone he doesn't love spending his life with someone he doesn't love who then who does he love it isn't me that's for sure I have a lot to prove that.

It takes energy not to burst out laughing their background music is 1Ds music wow talk about self worth. I take a breath and walk towards the newly wed couple "Congratulations!" I hand them a small packaged box they both looked at it weirdly "Thank you I know things are hectic for you these days." Keria smiles at me she hasn't changed "I had to come after all it's my best friends wedding how on earth could I miss it." I grin at Harry he doesn't smile he looks at the floor and gulps his hair is much longer now "Well I will leave you two love birds alone." I turn and try to keep my eyes dry just hold it in longer...
"Aren't you going to stay at least for the cake?."
I hear Harry's raspy voice again reminding me of my loss "No I am on a diet anyway."
He frowns "Oh well please do you um..." Harry tries thinking of a valid reason I should even be here. Keria makes a face ruining her features "Of course Taila will stay besides who leaves wedding early so... If you will excuse us Taila we have people to talk to." With that annoying remark she pulls Harry away leaving me quite dismayed I want to fricking leave woman let me leave!

I sigh walking around quite confused why I am here when a certain British guy interrupts me "I'm sorry it had to be like this Taila." I wince when he says my name "Harry's its your wedding enjoy it."
"Please Taila let me explain." He grabs me arm when I try to escape his words
"Explain what, Explain you are now married you have a wife who you will spend your future together explain that... I think I already know!" He stares at me his emerald eyes softening as my eyes become blurred
"Taila wait..." But I already leave trying my best not to break down in sobs with everyone's eyes on me I hate it I hate how everyone knows me judges me like an object to be presented I hate it.

I sit down unclenching and clenching my jaw stabbing the cake "If you aren't going eat that I will helpfully save it from your murderous stabbing." I turn my head to the Irish voice "Niall!" I turn and hug him as we sit down "How are you? How was the tour?"  He chuckles "Good good..." He frowns "How are you?" I smile weakly "I'm good Naill things are fine where they should be..." He furrows his eyebrows until a high squeaky bitchy voice interrupts us ,Keria.
"That's right you are where you should be in the shadows Taila stay there because thats where you belong!" I gasp at her so does Niall "Harry doesn't need a piece of shit like you in his life so stay the fück away from him because he doesn't even care about you anymore frankly I'm surprised you even think he thinks you as even a friend everyone knows you are much less than that. I don't why such a sweet boy like Niall would even talk to you so goodbye have a nice day." With that she struts off I feel tears threatening my eyes. I hear Niall trying to call after me and I feel Harry green eyes blaze upon me but I ignore then instead I quickly leave the reception getting into my car practically shouting at the poor driver to leave. Tears swarming my eyes I guess I really am nothing now.
Who's fücking brilliant idea was that to come here.

Harry PoV

I see Keria excuse me which is actually insane considering she hasn't left my fricking side. As I see her walk to Taila I feel nervous she keeps talking I don't what she's saying the music is too loud but as she keeps talking Taila's eyes get glassy and Niall's jaw keeps getting lower as he has been slapped. Then she walks away with a big smirk on her dumb face I see Taila running for the exit and her car going what the actual hell and Niall hopelessly trying to stop her. "What did you say to her?!" I glare at Keria "What hubby?"
"Stop fücking calling me that!" She laughs "But you are my husband now as for Taila I just told her the truth..."
"Your truth is the most messed up truth ever." She just grins
"No It's what it's the most best and if you know better than you will listen to me hubby..."

Keria is a biatch honestly who da hell does she think she is! Sorry for inexcusable writing skills..............................
Well things just got feistier idk is that even a word anyway...
Sorry things have been so busy actually I'm bored af but no wifi so I have to borrow it 😭😨😰😱😪😥😢

Thank you as always lovelies😘☺️

ZainaB❤️💜💛💚💙because rainbows

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