21 Meeting him

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Harry PoV
We sit across each other in the cafe staring deeply into each other's eyes "Why did you ask me to come here?"

"I wanted to see how you were." No I wanted to see you...

"Oh..." She looked down at her laps fiddling with her purse
"Why did you go though with it?" She whispers solemnly

"What?" My eyebrows furrow in confusion
She shakes her head "Nothing...so how did you love birds meet." She plasters a fake smile on her face but you can see the hurt in her eyes.
"We well...I had a few too many bottles of wine and..." I hesitate this isn't very romantic. "We somehow ended up kissing drunk and the paparazzi caught it." She stares at me a blank expression on her face. "To clear the scandal our publicist told them we were dating." She nods pressing her lips into a line she isn't telling me something.
"So exercise huh?" I chuckle trying to lighten the mood
"Enough." She sternly says

"What?" I ponder confused tilting my head

"I don't want to talk to you if it isn't going to mean anything."

"Mean anything why would it mean anything I mean we are just friends!" I approach God why did I say that when I say that her expression falls and I see raw pain etched in her face but then she rapidly covers it it up with a blank face again making me wonder if it was even there.
"I making a movie." She quickly changes the topic

"Are you?" I smile

"Yes I am staring in it and directing it." She beams it's the first time in what feels like forever she smiles.

"What is it about?"

"Well it's about this boy and he can't see colour everything is black and white for him but then one day he meets a a girl and when he touches her he can see colour but only as along as he can touch her and well you know it shows them falling in love he hopelessly follows her grabbing her and she runs away but then they realise that were truly meant for each other." She grins

"It sounds like a beautiful movie."

"It is very."

"How did they know?"

"Know what?"

"That they are meant for each other maybe it's just him he needs her so he can see colour and she finds him endearing or loves him out of pity how do you know that they are truly in love even if they he didn't need her would they still be together?" I ponder just curious but clearly this takes her off guard she narrows her eyes.

"Some people aren't just meant to be when this couple goes through the all these obstacles in they're life they know that they love each other." She finishes suddenly I think aren't talking about the movie anymore.

"But what if they can't be with that person because they love them so much so they need to put the person they love before them to protect them."

"No matter what it is two people who live each other will always find a way back but if they don't enough then they won't." She stares into my eyes the topic turns heated I feel tension pushing me towards her to tell her that I need her that I want to love her but I can't.

"Why did you marry her." Just when I was about to open my mouth to answer a very familiar bïtchy voice. Keria.

"Because I am pregnant." I stare at her my mouth open WHAT?!


Hallo guys love you all so much so yep Keria is pergo wow I mean they are married 😆😁

Anyways I hope you all are ready for school Ahhaha 😅

Thank you always lovelies

ZainaB ❤️💜💛💚💙because rainbows

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