24 'Babyshower'

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Taila PoV

I started at her stomach feeling the urge to gag "Taila so glad you could make it." Keria put my gift next to a mountains of others. I nodded swiftly she smiled a fake plaster of stupidity I coughed and excused myself feeling plain bored and not too mention awkward. I sit there among conversation with a lot of random people I don't remember don't get me wrong I remember everyone's name but I have never seen any of these people before they just tag me on Instagram and well so does every fan so. "Yes well I have to excuse the godmother here." I look up to the raspy voice and my heart skips a beat never make Harry Styles wear a suit.

"I..." I look toward the ground but come up with a fake grin ready to act.

Harry PoV

She looks up at me I though she would be upset but she just congratulates me I stare at her confused the press aren't here yet why is he being like this
"Aw married couples are so cute."
I blink in confusion "Taila you..."
"Harry please ok we had a little something something but that's the last there is the future let's live the present shall we?" She chuckles as if our little something was nothing, it was something  alright I don't see any hurt or a frown on her just a plain grin with blank brown eyes. She goes off talking to Niall I stand running a hand through my hair what's going on.

I smile at the cameras kissing Keria's belly and her cheek we have some separate shots some with everyone in the background "Ok now let's get the godmother with the couple?" He shoves Taila into our faces she stand there awkward and irritated but smiles and hugs Keria as if it was a best friend reunion I scoff at the plain fake act. We hug together smiling but I feel hot and bothered when will the is end when will I have the happy ending I look at Keria's belly can I though?

Taila PoV

"So how are you love?" I squeal at the Irish voice and hug Niall with all my might he chuckles sweetly I notice some of the blonde is fading I frown and stare at him
"Love?" He shrugs then breaks into a cheeky grin "I really like cake Taila you don't know how good this cake is its like the best cake in the world..." He mumbles through stuffing his face with red velvet apparently it's a girl.
Harry's going to have a daughter...
"Taila." I break my trance with a large hand waving in front of me. "Hmm."
"They are going to shoot some pics of you go." Suddenly a pair of random lumpy arms grabbed onto me and the next thing I know I am being pushed into Harry's arms never thought that would happen anytime soon he hugs me awkwardly but I squeeze Harry's stiff body like I do with Keria I hand Harry's another gift speaking of I never really opened his birthday gift I shake my head of the memories. "Wow Taila you are really going to spoil our daughter." She stretches out the word daughter making me sick but I grin "Of course it's a must." I laugh excusing myself of Harry's inexpressive face.

Harry PoV
Daughter I am going to have a daughter my mind is swirling with emotions once again when Keria last said the news of the gender of our child Taila leaves and I can't speak or make out what Keria is saying I just nod and leave siting down and staring at the cake red velvet Taila's favourite she's so close but so far.
Can I reach her.


sorrrrrryyyyy since I last updated it has been long actually I can't remember my memory is bad 😅

Anyways hope u lovelies all r good ☺️😊😉😍😘❤️

ZainaB 🎴🃏🀄️🎠🎡🎢 because logic

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