23 Leslies advice

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"...Say you will remember me
Standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks,
Say you will see me even if it's in your
Wildest dream ah ehaa
Wildest dreams..."

I pause the music Taylor can really write music forget about singing. I sigh not bothering to wipe the single tear which rolls down my cheek I have been hurt by him so much is any of this really worth it I ponder as I open the invite
Dear Taila,
You are invited to Keria's baby shower as her Godmother....
Wait what when did I ever sign up to be the devil child godmother? I scoff throwing the fancy card in the bin yeah right godmother.
"You are going no questions it will look weird if the godmother doesn't even show up to the baby shower." I smirked knowing this was coming
"Ah I see the press will be there."
"Yes Taila what happened at the lunch of what you three had has been stirring all sorts of rumours. "
"Let them be douchë heads." I shrug knowing my clam is getting Leslie pissed
"Taila I am serious they were even saying how you and Harry might of had a thing going before at the party and..." She stopped blabbering when she saw my complexion pale and gulp woah way to go  acting Taila.
"Wait you weren't actually no oh god no." She shoke her head back and forth. When I didn't decline what she was applying  she put her head in her hands.
"Stop acting like some teenager get your act together I don't know anything you don't know anything because nothing happened do you understand." She spoke clearly and slowly jabbing her finger at me.
"And you are definitely going to that party I'm not even arguing on that subject."
I nodded solemnly biting hard on the apple "Leslie do you think I'm made from paparazzi?" I blurt without realising but the again it's just Leslie.
"I think you an actress who hasn't had her path carved yet." She spoke confidently
What is my path?

"Oh...anyway how's Daniel?" Daniel was her boyfriend since high school quite cute if you ask me her face fell at the mention of his name "Yeah I don't think we are together anymore."
"What do you mean?" Shocked they were like two sweet hearts not even the Great Wall of China could separate them maybe if like wait never mind...
"I...he has always been the bad boy player never was in a relationship slept with every girl in the whole school including teachers." She struggled but then starting to talk passionately her eyes lighting up at the mention of him I smiled weakly teachers wow...
"Until he met me then everything changed I was the hopeless romantic wanted everything to be planned and organised but he..he was never planned." She mumbled sheepishly tucking a hair behind her. One thing as I know is Leslie is like a daily organiser I'm not even joking.
"And well we fell in love had a took loads of obstacles my dad his mum and..but but..." Her face fell her hard strong mask fell she as some of the most strongest people I know and she was breaking right in first of me I guess no one can keep it up all the time they break they have to break no one has perfect love stories they get their heartbroken. No matter what they will have their heart torn and shatter one thing I've learnt form the cruel world.
"But he never changed no one does really they never really change he...I went with to Tokyo for your movie shoot and then I came back he said he said he missed me." At this point she started to cry and sniffle by the way Tokyo is one hell of a place but that is for another time.
"Really did I know he missed me so much he had to fück some girl in place of me." She broke down I held her stroking her head this time I notice how petite Leslie was she was a short blonde she seemed so small "And the worst part is he warned me when we first met 'Don't fall for me love I don't do that boyfriend thing.' And I never... When I confronted him he said it again I was so stupid I was so stupid." I whispered soothing voice to calm her
"He...'You thought that I really change no one ever changes Leslie no one really does.' I..." Changes I sigh this guy was worst then anyone who could be so heartless. I continue to stroke her Leslie may be my manger but she is my friend
"Taila love is a big dark hole be careful once you fall there it's a never ending painful fall till you land to your paradise but are you ready for that fall."


Taylor's swifts song up there was wildest dreams
Onmggggggg so I'm jet lag school is day after tomorrow and it's 1am and life is just throwing stuff at me stuff I don't want at all ever I know it's eventual but please don't.
Way a go life I have never been well I have but sh so mad at you stop ugh AÑNYOING!
Anyway if any of need to talk about stuff I'm here and bored so.

Anyways hope ur life isn't as surprising and mine love you always lovelies 😙

Zainab💙💚💛💜❤️ because opposite rainbows

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