15 Reality

34 5 2

Taila PoV
My head hurts like crazy as I turn I see a figure sleeping next to me Harry?
I scream what just happened he moans but falls asleep again then suddenly the memories come flooding back me drinking like no tomorrow and falling over the bottles of wine and...calling Harry I hit my head "No no I am so stupid!" I see Harry getting up I hide my face under the covers "I know you are awake." He mumbles as he goes to the toilet. What am I going to do nothing happened right? I can't even remember what happened god I am never drinking ever again I must of talked out loud because Harry came in "I hope you learned that drinking is not a wise option." I get up and start pacing up and down he seems to get annoyed "Chill." He leans down and lies back on the bed "Your bed is exceptionally comfortable..." I scream in frustration "What about Keria!?" His face immediately changes and he sets his jaw "Why are you getting so worked up it was a kiss... everyone's kisses it didn't even mean anything." He says with a calm anger I flinch from the hurt why would it mean anything? I stop pacing and look at him in anger "You are the one who kissed me?!" He shrugs as if it was obvious "You asked?!" I gasp why is he being like this "If you don't mind me asking. What happened?" I stare at his cool expression and anger boils in my blood "YOU! You happened!" I scream as I shut the toilet door behind me.

Harry PoV

57 missed calls Shït! I throw my phone at the opposite seat and start driving I put on maroon 5 and blast it up I keep listening to her voice you! You happened it's true isn't it. I curse in frustration why is it so hard for me to stay away from her I don't hurt her but I don't show exactly act like some prince just act cöcky yep that's what I will do as I drive to Keria's I see her running towards "Are you actually insane?!" She shouts "No." I walk past her "You are going to pay for this?!" I hear her venomous tone I shrug and laugh "Whatever."


Taila PoV

I blast up maroon 5 and hum along swaying as I stir my green tea apparently coffee is bad for you I scoff and open up the new magazine edition I burn myself as the tea falls all over me "What the actual....!" I stare at the cover "Harry stays the night at Taila's  friends or more?"

Harry PoV

I hear Keria smirk "I told you." I stare at the magazine cover in anger. I get up abruptly purposely spilling coffee all over the stupid cover causing to Keria grimace "Mad are we Styles." I run out I am going to sort this. I have too right we are just friends...


Sup śexy humans
How are you lovelies thanks so much for all the reads I am so sorry for the short chapter but u guys will forgive 😅

How are your summers?!?! I seriously love u all of course 💁🏽but you know letting you guys know 😅 that made sense

But beautifuls I have no idea if I might include 5sos should I mmmm let me know wat you think.....?????😉☺️

Anyways thanks always!😏😊😘


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