22 After affects

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Harry PoV

I grip the table my head swarming I am going to become a father am I ready for this. Can Keria even become a mother she is too harsh, too cold. Is this even possible. Is this some sick joke.
Keria sits beside me "Harry remember the baby shower date you booked it." What? Oh she wants Taila to think I knew about the pregnancy all along. My mind is too numb to fight with Keria I sit there looking at my hands breathing closing my eyes.
Keria pregnant she's really pregnant,
this isn't a joke.
I am going to be a father.

I should known it all along last week she was sick...


"Should I call Calvin?" I hear her vomiting in the bathroom it's our honeymoon and God I thought I was having a bad time I started to dial Calvin her manger he seemed to deal with all her problems I seriously thought he was her bodyguard or something with those big muscles and black suits and sunglasses.
The next day she stayed in bed she didn't have a temperature to why is she so sick every morning now her breakfast is out than in and every time I try to call the doctor she throws the phone out my hands saying this shouldn't trying to ruin the honey moon they were in Hawaii yet it was already ruined.

I rub my temples trying to get my brain in order but end up confusing me even more. What am I going to do out of the corner of my I see Taila. She looks broken her mouth is gapped open and she looks disgusted like she can't believe this is happening her eyes are watering and she is trembling. "What did you expect I mean we are married."
Taila gulps as her eyes redden she stutters excusing her self to the toilet stumbling along the way I shutter my eyes once more What have I done?

Taila PoV

Disgust, betrayal and pain these words don't even describe how I feel I make my way to the nearest stall and vomit all the content of my lunch. An old lady behind shuffles "Are you alright miss." I crouch down tearing my hair "N-No." I choke into sobs God can I have these feelings for Harry whilst he has a child he will have a child and this time he can't get his way out of the marriage what did I expect that he will get some divorce and come to me that when he came back from the holiday he wanted to see me because he had feelings. No he can't and he doesn't. He knew about the pregnancy Keria said so and that's why he invited me to the dinner to tell me break the news he just didn't know Keria would say.
I rub my mascara but even smearing it even more I curse under my breath as I make my way to the mirror instantly I flinch I am a mess a total mess. My eyes are bloodshot red and I have black smudges across my face from eyeliner and mascara, the foundation left other than under my eyes revealing my dark circles the lipstick it's also smeared around my chin and my hair is a bush. I reek of puke I wipe my salty tears I smile remembering what my granny used to always tell me.
"Now now Taila dear each tear is worth a million so don't waste them on things and people who aren't worth it." I would try collecting my tears since they were with a million but never really got any.
I smile sadly at the memory of the 5 year old me how did I end up like this.
The old lady had seemed to have left I guess crying puking ladies weren't her scene. I sigh cleaning up my face getting my makeup bag out and attempting to look presentable. When I hear a certain familiar click of heels "Oh poor sweetie you look awful." I know I keep quietly apply my lipstick ignoring the squeaky voice of Keria.
"I'm pregnant now we are going to become a family the three of us." She points to her belly now that I think about it seems bigger I swallow back bile.
"So don't even try destroying the family we are, you aren't apart of the picture stay away from Harry I mean it. You wouldn't want the baby when it's older finding out its daddy had a fling with some poor actress."
I look down clenching my jaw I will not cry in front of Keria never let her see me weak "Oh now why would you say that." I plaster a fake smile on my face
"Cut the crap you can only act when Harry's around or paparazzi." I swallow letting my smile fall.
"Oh and let's be honest here I know you just cling to Harry well he's why you are even famous." What did she just say?
"You are just made from paparazzi Taila
All this time your fame is Harry all those rumours those suspected going, that 'Friendship' of yours is what got you here and now it's leaving your fame... Don't worry. I'm sure there are other actors and singers who can fuel the game let's just keep Harry away."
I don't know if the idea of Harry being the cause of my game or the fact she told me to stay away from him is the reason I slapped my hand across her face.
"You are pathetic." I feel the venom from my voice "That thing." I point to her belly
"I feel sorry for it to have such whorë as a mother, bitçh won't even know what a słut she was stepping on people like filth. God I hope it doesn't rot in the hell you call your home. I guess." Keria's jaw gapes open as I crouch down to eye level of her belly "Fück bitch will be so ugly it will be locked in the plastic surgery center." I know I shouldn't of steeped so low as to insult her baby I don't know what came over me. I strut out enjoying the pained expression on Keria's face. I pass Harry's seat but stop when I see him frown at me his green eyes dark.


Hallo guys so yep Keria is prego it wasn't some joke.
😱😱😱😱 I know I know I want to stab Keria to I know Taila was like really mean but she was really hurt and she is human like bro if that were me. Also she is an actress so she will be slightly materialistic I would of slapped that baitch straight so...

Anyways school is starting but I am missing the first week of school 😬 it's complicated.
I am not ready for school nope not at all😅
Are you ready lovelies?

Anyways thanks you awesome beautiful sexŷ witty smart amazing people 😂😋😘

ZainaB ❤️💜💛💚💙 because rainbows for everyone...

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