30 Bruises, bribed paramedics and fallen cigarettes

24 4 3

Harry POV
The phone line goes dead.

I drive with blinding speed, accelerating at a dangerous velocity, the trees blurring past me, the rain keeping the atmosphere cold and damp.

I'm coming for you.

I skid and slam the brakes to pull into Thailas front lawn. I see a car pulling out the driver-

Lucas Blackern.

That little Fück .

I slam the car door shut sprinting to the front door to press the doorbell, but I find the door open.

"Thaila?" I whisper shocked to find furniture and glass everywhere. A odd smell is in the air a pine cone stench sort and smoke.
The couch is flipped over next to a glass table shattered.
I cautiously step over a broken piece of a wine bottle and a cigarette?

I see a figure hunched over behind the tipped over sofa.

"It's me Harry..." I make my way slowly,

"Thaila?" I see her and gasp at the sight before me.

Thailas sits shaking bruised, a red mark in her face. A shard of glass in her foot and a long gash on her arm; bleeding into a pool of blood beside her.
Her lips are cut and her dress ripped to barely cover her. I step closer to see another cut on her left leg contributing to the seemingly endless flow of blood.

I reach out touching her face ever so softly but she flinches like its poison.

I crouch to be eye level with her and tilt her face to mine.

"It's ok I'm here..." I wrap my arms around her as her silent cries turned into pained sobs. I rub her back soothing attempting to keep my anger to a bay when I see more bruises.

"Why?" She whispers through her tears, I close my eyes to keep my tears to a minimum.
She falls unconscious slipping from my arms, the blood loss must of-

I take my phone calling the ambulance. Please Thaila whatever happened be okay. I stroke my fingers on her face, clenching my fists at little bruises appearing.

"Please." I whisper to her as the paramedics take her away after a bribe from me to keep quiet.

Please Thaila be okay...

I never got to tell you, I love you.


Omg 🙈 what do you think happened but it's pretty obvious...
Sorry it's so short but that's the way it has to be 😥

Anyways have an awesome day or night wherever you are! ❤️


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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