14 Fallen

45 6 2

The present day

Taila PoV

I hear the 23rd voice message from him and he calls me again this time I pick it up its driving me crazy "What about Keria hmmm exactly Harry stop calling me it's getting you nowhere!" I don't let him speak I can't I am afraid if I do I will fall for him again again you already have fell for him and you are still falling.

Harry PoV

"I...I had to its was all set up I...that's why..." Why is it so hard for me to talk to her "You kissed her you were seeing her at the same time as me weren't you? I can't forgive you for this Harry never! You hurt me and there's is nothing and nowhere we can go." Tears roll down my face I can tell by her shaky breaths she is crying as well "Please don't-" she cuts the phone I love you this isn't fair isn't it you broke her heart you cheated on her I throw the phone at the floor and run my hands through my hair I will never give up on you Taila.

Taila PoV

I give my phone to the manger again Leslie looks at me in pity instead I look at the new magazine edition half of the page is me and Niall the other is Harry and Keria holding hands I keep my eyes dry I have to stop you can't have him you won't . It says Niall and Taila only friends?! But Harry and Keria engaged then other celebrity's falling relationships I feel sorry for them I see a cheating scandal and a crying singer why is it so hard for people to have normal lives? Because this is what fame does to you. I have another drink.

Harry PoV

I stare at the magazine page cover in numb feelings and when I see her face I have to keep my eyes dry you can't have her Harry and you won't "Ugh they made my nose look so big in that photo, heard of airbrushing?!" Keria mutters the more time I spend with her the more shallow she gets. "It doesn't look big." She takes this the wrong way "Aw your so sweet!" And she kisses me and I pretend to smile and continue texting Simon then suddenly I get a phone call from Taila "heeeeey Harry!" She's drunk "Please come over I feel lonely you said you liked me." she giggles great! I don't know what to do Keria and I have a photo shoot to get to. Who cares? "Wait there I am coming" Keria glares at me "What do you think you are doing?!" I kiss her on the cheek " A friend in need!" She growls and I get out of the car and call for my private car. "Harrrrrrryyyyy" she slurs " I need you....you want me come get me." I sigh this isn't gonna end well.

When I enter her house she is on the floor and her arm is bleeding "God what did you do?" She looks down "Oh this it's nothing compared to the pain you gave me hazzy hehe hazzy!" I pick her up and put her on the sofa but as soon as I am about to go get plasters she dosent let go "Are you going to leave me again..." I am so close to her face I can't leave her but her blood starts dripping on the floor "Taila you are hurt." "Like you care if I am hurt" I hear the venom in her voice. I go get the plasters and when I come back I realise her clothes are all ripped I bandage her "Please tell me what happened?" She looks at me and for a moment I see something but she runs her thumb over my face "I fell I am falling Harry please pick me up." She is so close to me I am going dizzy she leans in for a kiss but I go back she wouldn't want this when she turns sober she will get upset I know I shouldn't do this. When I look back at her face all I see is pure pain "You are leaving me aren't you are leaving me like this again!" She screams, crying and trying to walk towards me "Please Taila you are drunk you don't want this!" I pick her and put her up over my back but she starts kicking and screaming "I never deserved this I didn't need this but I wanted you I want you!!" I hear the agony I can't help the tears rolling down my face as I put her in bed I see she has cuts on her face as well "Jesus Taila what on earth?!" She close her eyes and falls asleep "I don't want you Harry..." I treat her wounds I keep from crying I have to be strong I have to be "I need you." She opens her eyes and stares at me while I work on her I keep a straight face "You don't though you don't..." I can't help it I lean on and kiss her I kiss her with all the passion I had been bottling up for the past few weeks when I get back up her wounds are plastered now "I want you, but I can't I can't." And I leave. As I close the door "Stay..."

Taila PoV

My head hurts like crazy as I turn I see a figure sleeping next to me Harry?

Geez people this why you don't drink and call but Taila is funny while drunk lol and worse could of happened 😂😅

yep basically five my awful writing skills comment and vote love u

Don't worry I will try to find wifi so I can update but life is so hard without wifi 😢 the struggles
Anyway I am just finishing the story off that's right almost finished 😝
Thanks my amazing lovelies💖❤️


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