25 Lucas Blackern

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Taila PoV

I sit in the retro cafe styled booth patiently waiting to order for that heavily sugared vanilla milkshake but hey I needed it I sway my head to the sound of the music Mr bright side by the killers a classic
'Jealousy turning saints into the sea
Swimming through the sick lullabies
Chocking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay
Destined is calling me
Open up my eager eyes...'
"Cause I'm Mr bright side." I look astonished at the blue collar man in a stylish suit, blonde hair and startling blue eyes a flicker of recognition passes on his face as he sits down "May I." He sits in the opposite booth "Hm what's good here." I tilt my head has he never been to this amazing arse cafe before "The mango crush mock tails are heaven but if your the more devilish type the quadruple chocolate dessert drink is hell." I smirk at him he chuckles amused raising his eyebrow "Ah well then why don't we do this I order your order and you do mine and we'll see who gets its correct." I nod how odd of a human.
I like it.
He talks to the waiter with a slight accent is he no Spanish doesn't look like it ah he's French got to be. "A vanilla milkshake for the lady." I sit surprised how of 45 drinks he got that he might be some vodoo drug dealer maybe that's why I seem to have seen his face before.
"The pineapple breeze for the gentleman" . I mock he backs up in his booth confused and shocked.
"Anything else?" The bored waiter asks
And the contest begins...
"Mud cake."
"Victoria sponge."
"Greek salad."
"Cesar salad."
"Red velvet cupcakes."
"Coconut pancakes!"
"Lime and mint tea served cool."
"Bloody Mary.
"how did-"
"THE VERY CHEESY GRATIN!" I scream at him the waiter stops our predicament
"We don't serve French food." We both look at each other and start bursting into laughter "How are we ever going to finish all this food?" He leans close to my ear "We don't." He grabs my arm "Run!"
We run to the back entrance where a cook smokes passively staring at our giddy selves as if he sees this everyday. "This isn't a very good hideout." He puts a finger to my lips
"Shhh." We both hide behind a trash can like the cook just isn't standing right next to us "Ok we are in a life and death situation if I die please take my belonging sign into my hotel using the name Lucas Blackern I have my wills listed in my right door-"
I stand up abruptly I suddenly now know who is crouching down below near a trash can Lucas fūcking Blackern.
Holy shit.

Harry PoV

"Can you please not." Keria has a team of mid wives what does even need them for that plastic bitćh who follow her everywhere because the baby is going pop right out at 4 months I mean I don't anything about babies can they Jesus.
Her tummy grows and she has to stop her ridiculous diet which she protests even though all her doctors say you need to feed the baby so feed the baby. Diet I wonder if Taila still dieting I smile sadly she's so pretty she's need to block all those stupid paparazzi out I wonder what's she doing as I look up at the clear blue sky with wisps of clouds.

Taila PoV

He grins "Ah I believe I haven't introduced myself I am Lucas Blackern of Blackerd industries yes the one who owns all those malls." I stare at him
"I am Taila Aries...." He chuckles softly
"I know you well I should get going but can't risk getting caught." He winks we laugh and in the first In which seems like forever the sound of my laughter isn't foreign to me. I look up at blue sky which surprising considering London weather I see all the fluff of white I close my eyes what has just began?


Sup humans thanks for the reads guys you make me happy ^_^
Anyway what do you all think of this new Lucas guys 😦 that's the picture above of him Lucas will be played by Alex pettyfer yep hottie 🔥🔥🔥


Thanks as always my lovelies 😘😘

ZainaB❤️💜💛💚💙 because rainbows

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