Meeting Brian

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Marie sat hunched over her desk in the bustling office, the soft hum of keyboards and muted conversations filling the air around her. The walls of her cubicle were covered in sticky notes—reminders of deadlines, tasks, and small inspirational quotes meant to get her through the day. Despite the chaos, her focus remained sharp. She was cramming to meet the impossible deadlines set by her boss, Jasmine, who had a reputation for being both brilliant and relentless.

Marie's fingers flew across the keyboard, her eyes darting between the documents she was finalizing. The weight of the work pressed heavily on her shoulders, but she was determined not to crack. There was too much at stake.

"Two more hours," she whispered to herself, glancing at the clock in the corner of her screen.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approaching her cubicle made her heart skip a beat. Without even looking up, she knew it was Jasmine. Her boss had a distinct presence—a mix of authority and an unyielding drive for perfection.

"Marie," Jasmine's voice was sharp but not unkind. "I know you're working on those reports, but I need you to meet someone."

Marie tore her eyes away from the screen, slightly startled, and looked up at Jasmine. As always, Jasmine was impeccably dressed in a tailored suit, her dark hair pulled back into a neat bun. She exuded confidence and precision in everything she did.

"Meet someone?" Marie echoed, a flicker of surprise crossing her face. "Now?"

"Yes, now." Jasmine's tone left no room for argument. She stepped aside and motioned toward the man standing beside her.

He was tall, with an athletic build, his dark brown hair neatly styled. He wore a crisp shirt and slacks, looking professional but approachable. His eyes, a deep shade of hazel, met Marie's with a polite smile.

"Marie, this is Brian Tenara," Jasmine introduced. "He's going to be your new partner on the upcoming project. I expect you both to work closely together."

Marie's heart sank. She barely had time to manage her current workload, and now she had to deal with a new partner? She stole a quick glance at Brian before focusing back on Jasmine.

"Of course," Marie said, her voice lacking enthusiasm. "It's... nice to meet you."

Brian smiled a little wider, though it seemed strained. "Nice to meet you too, Marie. I've heard a lot of good things about your work."

Marie offered a tight smile in return, quickly averting her gaze to her computer screen. She couldn't help but feel the awkwardness settling in. Her mind was already racing with thoughts of how to handle this new development. She didn't need another distraction—not when Jasmine was watching her every move.

Jasmine's sharp eyes darted between the two, sensing the tension. "I'll leave you to it, then," she said. "I expect updates by the end of the day, Marie. And Brian, make sure you're up to speed with everything." Without waiting for a response, Jasmine turned on her heel and walked away, leaving the two alone.

Brian shifted on his feet, rubbing the back of his neck. "So... I guess we'll be working together," he said, his tone attempting to sound upbeat but falling flat in the awkward silence.

Marie nodded, keeping her eyes glued to her computer screen. "Yeah, looks like it," she muttered, hoping he would take the hint and leave her alone for now. She wasn't in the mood for introductions or small talk. Not today.

Brian, however, didn't seem to pick up on her discomfort. He hesitated for a moment before pulling up a chair and sitting down at the edge of her desk. "Listen, I know this is sudden, and I don't want to get in the way of whatever you're working on. But maybe we can figure out a game plan for the project sometime today?"

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