Another Fashion Show

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The Marino Mansion was alive with anticipation. Today wasn't just another day of political maneuvering or business deals—it was about family, and one cousin in particular was coming home. Amy, the vivacious daughter of Jasmine, was returning after months of being abroad, and the house was buzzing with excitement for her arrival.

Monica stood in the grand foyer, looking out the tall windows that overlooked the driveway. She smiled to herself, thinking about how much fun Amy brought wherever she went. Ryoma and Kara were already nearby, and their cousin Rio—Ryoma's wife—had also joined them, chatting about the upcoming fashion event they were all attending later that evening.

"Do you think Amy's changed at all?" Kara asked, leaning against the railing of the staircase.

Monica shook her head, smiling. "If I know Amy, she's probably exactly the same. Always full of energy."

Just as she finished speaking, the sound of a car pulling into the driveway echoed through the mansion. Moments later, the front doors swung open, and Amy burst inside, her signature vibrant energy lighting up the room instantly. She wore a bright smile, her short, fashionable hair bouncing as she rushed toward her cousins.

"Look who's back!" Amy exclaimed, opening her arms wide for a group hug.

"Amy!" Monica called, her face lighting up as she rushed to embrace her cousin. Kara and Ryoma quickly followed, wrapping Amy in a tight hug, laughing as they welcomed her back.

"Finally!" Rio said, grinning as she approached. "We thought you'd never return."

Amy pulled back, her face alight with joy as she took in her family. "You know me—always on the move. But it feels so good to be back with you all."

As they exchanged excited words and filled Amy in on the latest family news, it didn't take long for her to notice the slight tension between Monica and the others. Amy had a sharp intuition when it came to her cousins, and she could sense that something was off. She glanced at Monica, who was trying her best to maintain a cheerful expression, but Amy could see the cracks beneath the surface.

"Okay, spill," Amy said, her voice dropping to a more serious tone. "What happened while I was gone?"

Kara, always the more direct one, exchanged a glance with Monica before speaking. "Brian happened. He... cheated on Monica. With Vanessa. Again."

Amy's eyes widened in shock, and she turned to Monica, her expression filled with concern. "Are you serious? Again?"

Monica sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "Yeah. And this time, Vanessa's pregnant."

Amy's jaw dropped. "Oh my God, Monica. That's awful. I can't believe he'd do that to you—again!"

Monica forced a small smile, though the pain was still fresh. "I'm fine. Really. It's just... been a lot."

Amy crossed her arms, her protective instincts kicking in. "Where is Brian now? Because I swear, if I see him, he's going to regret every decision he's ever made."

Monica laughed softly despite herself. "Thanks, Amy. But he's not worth it."

Amy wrapped her arms around Monica in a tight hug, her energy a comfort. "You're right, he's not. But if you need me to throw something at him, just let me know."

As the cousins laughed, the tension seemed to ease, and the conversation shifted to lighter topics. Amy, ever the fashionista, couldn't wait to tell her cousins about the latest trends she'd picked up while traveling.

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