Marie says yes

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Marie stood outside Innovare headquarters, waiting for Brian. It had been a month since their first date, and the easy camaraderie between them had blossomed into something deeper. They'd shared countless laughs over late-night phone calls, enjoyed quiet walks after work, and spent evenings talking about their future. Now, it was official: Marie and Brian were a couple.

Marie couldn't help but smile as she leaned against the building's wall, the cool breeze tugging at her hair. She glanced down at her phone, checking the time, her heart skipping a beat when she spotted Brian walking towards her, his grin wide and unmistakably joyous.

"There you are!" Brian called out, quickening his pace. He approached her and immediately took her hand, lifting it to his lips in a playful gesture of affection.

Marie laughed softly. "You're late," she teased, though her smile betrayed any sense of disappointment.

"Blame the traffic. You know how it is," Brian said with a smirk, leaning in for a quick kiss on her forehead. "But I'm here now, aren't I?"

"Yeah, and that's all that matters," Marie replied, her eyes soft as they met his.

As they turned to head towards a nearby café for their usual after-work hangout, a cold, sharp voice cut through the warm air between them.

"So it's true."

Marie froze. The sound of that voice was unmistakable. She turned slowly, her stomach sinking as she saw Vanessa, Brian's ex-girlfriend, standing a few feet away, her arms crossed tightly over her chest and her eyes blazing with anger.

Brian's expression darkened. "Vanessa, this isn't the time—"

"Not the time?" Vanessa spat, her eyes narrowing. "I think it's exactly the time, Brian. You're dating her?" She gestured angrily at Marie. "After everything we've been through?"

Marie instinctively stepped closer to Brian, feeling a knot of tension rise in her chest. She had heard about Vanessa and the messy breakup, but she hadn't expected to confront her so soon—or with such hostility.

"Vanessa, we broke up," Brian said firmly, his voice steady but laced with frustration. "It's been over for a while now. You need to accept that."

Vanessa's eyes flicked to Marie, glaring at her with venomous disdain. "And you," she sneered. "Do you think you're some sort of upgrade? You're nothing compared to what Brian and I had."

Marie, caught off guard by the sudden attack, opened her mouth to respond but found herself speechless, her confidence wavering under the intensity of Vanessa's gaze.

"I think that's enough," Brian interrupted, stepping protectively in front of Marie. "You need to back off, Vanessa."

Vanessa let out a bitter laugh, tossing her head back. "Oh, I'm not done, Brian. You think you can just replace me? With her?" She shot a withering glance at Marie again, who shrank back slightly, uncomfortable under the heated confrontation.

"I don't owe you an explanation," Brian said coldly. "Marie and I are together now. I suggest you move on."

But Vanessa wasn't ready to let it go. Her lips curled into a twisted smirk. "You think this is over? You think you're going to live happily ever after with this... nobody? We'll see about that."

With those biting words, Vanessa stormed off, leaving behind a tense silence. Marie stood frozen, trying to process what had just happened.

Brian turned to her, his expression softening with concern. "Marie, I'm so sorry. I didn't think she'd react like that."

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