The New Player

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The warm afternoon light filtered through the glass windows of the Innovare Headquarters, casting long shadows across the sleek conference room. Monica sat at her desk, reviewing reports, but her mind was elsewhere. News of her relationship with Gen had spread beyond the Marino family, reaching the ears of those who would surely try to interfere—Brian, and worse, the Serranos. The Serrano family had a history with the Marinos, and it was never a peaceful one.

Monica couldn't shake the feeling that something was brewing, though she wasn't entirely sure what. The quiet of the office was disturbed when her phone buzzed. A message from her brother, Ryoma: Heads up. Serranos know about you and Gen. They won't sit quietly.

She sighed, her fingers tapping nervously on the desk as she considered the implications. The Serranos were known for being manipulative, always looking for an angle. Edward Serrano and his wife Helena were dangerous in their own right, but Monica was more worried about Brian. She knew he wouldn't take the news of her and Gen lightly.

Just as Monica was about to reply to Ryoma's message, she heard familiar voices coming from the boardroom down the hall. Her parents—Rafael and Kanna—were in a meeting with a mysterious businessman she had never heard of before. His name had come up briefly in conversation earlier: Tai Hun Kwai. The name sent a chill down her spine, though she didn't know why.

Rafael had recently taken over as COO of Innovare, working closely with Kanna, who was now the CEO of Goldenburg, a powerful corporation tied to both their family histories. 

Curious, Monica quietly approached the glass-walled conference room where the meeting was taking place. She could see her father and mother seated across from a man who exuded an air of cold confidence. Tai Hun Kwai was dressed in a sharp, tailored suit, his dark eyes calculating as he spoke. Something about him felt dangerous, though Monica couldn't quite put her finger on it.

She pressed her back against the wall, listening closely to the conversation as it drifted through the slightly ajar door.

"I've known Karl Marino for many years," Kwai was saying, his voice smooth but laced with something darker. "A cunning man. Deadly, even. You would expect nothing less from someone of his stature. He knew how to play the game—and win."

Monica's stomach twisted at the mention of her grandfather. Karl had always been a figure shrouded in mystery, even to his own family. Hearing someone else describe him as "deadly" sent a shiver down her spine.

"And your father, Albert Fontierra," Kwai continued, his gaze shifting to Kanna. "He was... vile. Ruthless in his own way, but without the finesse that Karl possessed."

Kanna's face remained calm, but there was a tightness around her eyes. Monica knew how complicated her mother's relationship with Albert had been. He had left scars on their family, scars that hadn't fully healed.

Kwai leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with interest. "I'm here to propose a business venture that would benefit both Innovare and Goldenburg. I believe our combined forces could dominate the global market. But it requires trust."

Rafael raised an eyebrow, his skepticism clear. "Trust, Mr. Kwai, is not easily given. Especially when you speak of men like my father and Kanna's."

Kwai smiled faintly, his gaze never wavering. "That's why I'm here, Mr. Marino. To build that trust."

Before Rafael or Kanna could respond, the door to the conference room opened, and Arjan, Rafael's godfather and Karl's bestfriend came in. His presence immediately shifted the atmosphere, and Kwai's confident demeanor faltered for a split second.

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