A Seat at the Table

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The Marino Mansion was alive with the sounds of a typical late evening—footsteps echoing down the grand hallways, the distant clink of dishes being set in the dining room, and the hum of conversation floating from the drawing room where the men of the family were gathering for a dinner that promised more than just casual conversation.

Monica paced around her bedroom, her mind racing. She had heard earlier that her father, Rafael, had extended a special invitation to Gen for tonight's dinner. Normally, such gatherings were common, especially when Rafael brought together his brothers and close family friends for drinks and conversation. But this time, there was something different in the air—something that piqued Monica's curiosity.

She couldn't shake the feeling that this dinner had a deeper purpose. Gen had been growing closer to the family, especially to her. Was this Rafael's way of assessing him? Was this a subtle test, or perhaps a show of acceptance? Whatever it was, Monica's interest was thoroughly piqued, and she couldn't help but feel a small flutter of nervousness for Gen.

Downstairs, in the mansion's richly decorated dining room, the table was set for an informal but intimate dinner. The dim lighting created a relaxed, warm atmosphere, perfect for the kind of deep conversation and camaraderie that often accompanied these gatherings.

Gen arrived, his usual calm composure in place, though the gravity of the evening was not lost on him. He had been invited by Rafael himself, a gesture that carried weight in a family like the Marinos. As he entered the room, he was greeted by familiar faces.

Rafael stood by the head of the table, smiling in his easy, charismatic way. "Gen, good to see you. Come in, make yourself comfortable."

Gen returned the smile, grateful for the warmth in Rafael's welcome. "Thank you, sir. It's an honor to be here."

Standing nearby, Ryoma, Monica's older brother, raised a glass in greeting, his own grin wide and welcoming. "Glad you could make it, Gen. We've got a good group tonight."

As Gen took his seat, he noticed the others gathered around the table—Eugene Ojeda, Rio's father and a powerful business figure in his own right; Muro, Kazuki, and Takeru, Monica's uncles and Rafael's brothers, each of them carrying the distinct blend of charm, intensity, and authority that seemed to run in the Marino bloodline.

Eugene, seated to Rafael's right, leaned forward, his deep voice rumbling with amusement. "You've been spending a lot of time with the Marino women, Gen," he teased lightly, his eyes twinkling as he took a sip of his drink. "It's only right we get to know you better."

Gen smiled, keeping his cool. "I'm lucky to be part of their lives."

Kazuki, always the more stoic of the Marino brothers, gave a small nod of approval. "You've been good to Monica. That doesn't go unnoticed."

Muro, on the other hand, was the one who brought the lightness. "Good? From what I've heard, Gen's practically the knight in shining armor." He shot a wink at Gen, filling his glass with whiskey. "We'll see how well he holds up tonight."

Gen chuckled, though the atmosphere was more serious than it appeared on the surface. He knew this wasn't just a casual dinner—it was a test, of sorts. The Marinos, especially Rafael, were protective of their own, and tonight seemed to be about getting a measure of him, both as a man and as someone who had become important in Monica's life.

As they sat down to dinner, the conversation flowed easily at first. Eugene and Rafael discussed business, touching on the latest developments with Innovare and the Ojeda Group. Takeru and Ryoma bantered about the latest political moves, their shared knowledge of diplomacy evident in their quick, strategic back-and-forth. Muro, ever the jokester, kept things light with his stories, though there was always a subtle sharpness behind his humor.

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