Surprise Engagement

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The evening had settled in, and the Serrano mansion glistened under the golden light of ornate chandeliers that spilled their glow into every corner of the massive dining hall. Agatha Serrano, the matriarch of the family, had spared no detail for tonight's event. Everything had to be perfect: the pristine tablecloths, the glint of silver cutlery, and the carefully curated floral arrangements. The anticipation hung thick in the air as she awaited her son, Edmund, to arrive.

Agatha herself was a woman of sharp features and sharper wit. Her gray hair was pulled into an immaculate chignon, her makeup applied with precision to soften the edges of her otherwise severe face. Her gown, a deep burgundy that matched her formidable demeanor, signaled authority and elegance. Agatha Serrano had been orchestrating events for decades, both in business and in family matters, and tonight was no exception. She was about to reveal the latest chapter in her son's life, whether he liked it or not.

Edmund, however, was oblivious to the machinations that had been set in motion. Tall, with an athletic build and a reserved demeanor, he had always trusted his mother's decisions, even when they seemed to carry ulterior motives. His dark hair was tousled in a way that suggested he had barely taken the time to prepare for whatever event she had planned tonight. He entered the dining hall, his blue eyes scanning the room.

"Mother," he greeted her with a slight nod, his voice respectful yet hesitant. He had learned to be cautious around Agatha, especially when she had something specific in mind.

"Edmund, darling, there you are." Agatha's lips curled into a tight smile, though there was little warmth in it. "Please, join us." She gestured toward the table where a woman sat, her back straight and her hands clasped delicately in her lap.

The woman turned, and Edmund's breath caught slightly in his throat. Sitting across from him was a stranger, though her beauty was undeniable. Helena Carrington was poised and refined, her auburn hair falling in soft waves past her shoulders. Her emerald-green eyes sparkled with intelligence, though there was something guarded in her expression. Her gown was a soft lavender, flowing elegantly down to the floor, the light catching the subtle shimmer of the fabric.

"Edmund," Agatha began, her tone firm, "this is Helena Carrington. I've invited her to dinner so the two of you can get to know each other. After all, it's important that you familiarize yourselves, considering the future you'll be sharing."

Edmund's brow furrowed as he turned to his mother. "Future?" he repeated, his voice tinged with confusion.

Agatha's smile didn't falter. "Yes, darling. Helena is to be your fiancée."

The words hung in the air like a bomb that had just detonated. Edmund blinked, his mind struggling to catch up with what his mother had just said. He looked at Helena, who remained composed, though her cheeks had flushed ever so slightly.

"My fiancée?" Edmund's voice was incredulous. "Mother, you never mentioned anything about this. I—"

"I didn't think it necessary to involve you in the initial discussions," Agatha interrupted smoothly, her tone brooking no argument. "Helena comes from an esteemed family. This union will benefit us both, and frankly, it's time you settled down. You've spent enough years... wandering."

Helena, who had remained quiet until now, finally spoke, her voice soft but firm. "I understand this is a surprise, Edmund. I didn't expect this to happen so suddenly either. But our families... they've known each other for a long time. Perhaps this is an opportunity."

Edmund ran a hand through his hair, frustration bubbling beneath his calm exterior. He had always known his mother to be controlling, but this was beyond anything he could have anticipated. His future was being decided for him, and the woman who would share it was sitting right in front of him, a complete stranger.

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