The Dinner with the Family

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The living room of the Marino Mansion was bathed in the soft, warm glow of afternoon sunlight, its grand windows offering a view of the meticulously maintained gardens outside. Karl Marino sat in his favorite armchair, one leg crossed over the other, enjoying a brief moment of calm after a long day of meetings and phone calls. He sipped his coffee slowly, his gaze drifting to the television playing in the background.

Everything was peaceful until an overly dramatic jingle interrupted his thoughts. The screen lit up with bright colors, followed by the unmistakable, almost obnoxious voice of a woman announcing her product in a theatrical manner.

"Encarnacion Bechavez! The finest choice for your everyday needs! Because at Encarnacion Bechavez, we know what you deserve!"

Karl's face twisted in disbelief as the commercial went on, showcasing overly enthusiastic actors praising the products with exaggerated excitement. He slammed his coffee cup down on the table, a little too hard. The porcelain rattled on its saucer as his fists clenched on the armrests of the chair.

"Encarnacion Bechavez," Karl muttered, his voice thick with irritation. "Of all the garbage they could put on TV..." His knuckles whitened, and his normally calm demeanor unraveled as the jingle played for the third time.

Monica, who had been passing by the living room on her way to the study, heard her grandfather's rising frustration. She paused at the doorway, raising an eyebrow as she peered inside. It was rare to see Karl truly upset about something so trivial—usually, he maintained an unflappable calm even in the face of bigger problems.

"Grandpa?" she called softly, stepping into the room. "Are you okay?"

Karl whipped his head toward her, his expression stormy. "Do you see what they're playing on TV now?" He jabbed a finger at the screen as the commercial replayed yet again. "Encarnacion Bechavez! A ridiculous name, and the most annoying ad I've ever seen. It's like they're trying to drive me insane."

Monica stifled a laugh, realizing how absurd the whole situation was. Her grandfather, the formidable Karl Marino, was losing his cool over a commercial. She moved to the couch and sat beside him, a playful grin tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"I don't think it's that bad, Grandpa," she teased lightly, hoping to calm him down. "It's just a silly ad."

Karl huffed, clearly unconvinced. "It's not just the ad, Monica. It's the idea that someone thought this would be a good use of airtime. How can they sell that nonsense?"

Monica chuckled softly. "You know, maybe they're targeting a different audience. Like people who enjoy really dramatic jingles."

Karl shot her a withering look, though there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. "You're lucky you're my granddaughter. I'll let that slide."

She smiled, glad to see him relax even if only a little. But as the commercial finally ended and regular programming resumed, Monica grew quiet, her mind drifting back to something she had been meaning to ask Karl for a while now.

She shifted slightly in her seat, watching him from the corner of her eye. "Grandpa, can I ask you something?"

Karl glanced at her, sensing a change in her tone. "Of course. What is it?"

Monica hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to broach the subject. But she knew she couldn't keep avoiding it, especially after overhearing Rafael's confession the night before. Taking a deep breath, she finally spoke.

"I was thinking... about inviting my mom, Kanna, for dinner here at the mansion."

Karl raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised. "Kanna?" His voice was careful, not giving away much, but Monica could see the gears turning in his mind.

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