Sahoko's Wedding

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At six in the morning, Monica was sound asleep, nestled comfortably in Brian's arms. The peaceful morning was disrupted by the persistent ringing of her phone, which eventually roused her from her slumber. Still groggy, she fumbled for the phone and answered it, her voice thick with sleep.

"Hello?" she mumbled, barely awake.

"Monica, I'm outside your condo unit," came the urgent voice on the other end. "Your father is looking for you, and I have thirty minutes to get you to the Sheraton. You've got five minutes to get ready."

Monica's eyes flew open as the urgency of the situation sank in. She quickly disentangled herself from Brian's arms and sprang out of bed, moving with a speed born of necessity. She began dressing in a flurry, her movements quick and purposeful as she tried to beat the clock.

Brian, still half-asleep, watched her with concern etched on his face. "What's going on? Why the rush?" he asked, his voice still heavy with sleep as he propped himself up on one elbow.

Monica, already pulling on her shoes, paused just long enough to give him a quick kiss. "You don't understand," she explained hurriedly, "my dad is extremely strict about punctuality. I can't afford to be late."

Brian reached out to her, trying to pull her back into bed. "Can't we just take five more minutes?" he pleaded, his tone a mix of frustration and sleepiness.

But Monica shook her head firmly, already halfway out the door. "Those five minutes could mean a lot of scolding from my aunts," she called back, her voice echoing as she hurried down the hallway towards the lobby, leaving Brian to sigh and fall back onto the bed, defeated.

Monica and Kanna arrived at the Sheraton hotel's restaurant in record time, where Karl and Arjan were already seated and enjoying their breakfast. The tension in Monica's shoulders eased slightly as she approached them, forcing a smile onto her face.

"Good morning, Grandpa. Good morning, Uncle Arjan," Monica greeted them, leaning in to give each of them a kiss on the cheek.

Karl looked up from his cup of tea and smiled warmly. "You're here quite early. Have some breakfast first," he suggested, gesturing to the buffet.

Monica nodded and headed to the buffet area without hesitation, her stomach growling in anticipation. Kanna, meanwhile, took a seat with the two elders, feeling the weight of their gazes upon her.

"Kanna, tell me, who did Monica meet last night?" Arjan asked, his tone casual, but his eyes sharp with curiosity.

Kanna hesitated, her throat suddenly dry. "Uncle Arjan?" she stammered, her face paling slightly under the scrutiny.

Karl, who had been munching on a croissant, glanced at Kanna with a playful smirk. "She smells like sweat and shame," he commented dryly.

Kanna sighed, realizing there was no point in hiding the truth. "She was with Brian," she confessed. "She requested it, and I take responsibility for it."

Karl chuckled and leaned back in his chair, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Don't worry, I won't do anything. An honest answer makes everything clear," he said, taking another bite of his croissant, seemingly satisfied with her response.

Just then, Takako entered the hotel suite where Karl and Arjan were finishing their breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingered in the air as she approached the table, her presence immediately lightening the atmosphere.

"Good morning, gentlemen," Takako greeted them with a cheerful tone, her voice laced with amusement.

Karl, who had been sipping his tea, eyed her cautiously, as if bracing himself for some form of mischief. "Good morning, Takako," he replied with a half-smile.

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